> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Sworn In Again,"Look Ma And Founders, NO Hands BIBLE"!!

Today's world headlines

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Sworn In Again,"Look Ma And Founders, NO Hands BIBLE"!!

This will surely make the GOD haters happy citing their imaginary perception of the Separation of church and state clause which is nowhere in the constitution of coarse yet listening to them many just believe that it is

..ps you atheists and libs getting ready to fire off hate comments read the first line before you even bother OK?

This is obviously just a big joke now to Obama and Roberts, who screwed up the ceremony again the second time, either forgetting or choosing outright to forego the use of a bible (or Koran for Hussein) as the previous 43 presidents have chose the bible of coarse . Why wouldn't they, since WE"VE NEVER HAD A MUSLIM PRESIDENT BEFORE, especially who claims to be a Christian who's yet to ever been baptized as such.

But hey, he's the Messiah, so he don't need no stinking Batismal ceremony like the rest of us...

(for all we really know the Koran might have been his real preference since Obama spent exactly as much time in life studying it as the bible ).

"Musta been Bush's fault" the official Obama spokesman added later...(sarc but still waiting for that line to come)
Obama Sworn In Again, With Right Words:

Washington Compost "In golf, they call it a mulligan. A do-over.

There's no formal name for what President Obama and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. did last night.

After flubbing his one role on Inauguration Day -- administering the oath of office to Obama -- Roberts traveled to the White House to re-administer the oath.

Just to make sure.

'We decided it was so much fun . . .,' Obama joked while sitting on a couch in the Map Room. Obama stood and walked over to make small talk with pool reporters as Roberts donned his black robe.

'Are you ready to take the oath?' Roberts asked.

'I am, and we're going to do it very slowly,' Obama replied.

After a flawless recitation that included no Bible and took 25 seconds, Roberts smiled and said, 'Congratulations, again.'

Obama said, 'Thank you, sir,' and then added: 'All right. The bad news for the [reporters] is there's 12 more balls.'

A president is required by the Constitution to say, 'I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.'


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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