> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Kisses Muslim Jewels Before We Americans, Either Left Or Right

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama Kisses Muslim Jewels Before We Americans, Either Left Or Right

If Barack Obama wanted to go all the way to the Middle East to be on a network were no one would see him he shoulda just called MSNBC.....Jay Leno 1-27-09
Obama's made more friendly overtures to the damn Muslim Arabs around the world than the Republicans and conservatives in his supposed own country of allegiance since being inaugurated twice last week. That being of coarse because he and the chief justice (whom we thought was one of us) couldn't even manage to not screw up a tiny, two sentence oath that really means nothing to either one of them anyways, so why would they be expected to complete it as intended? Obama wouldn't even be taking it once much less twice were that the case as Roberts and the SCOTUS could have prevented as much but obviously didn't.

Personally I'm so offended and angered at Obama's commitment to get on his knees to the radically violent and hate filled Arab world that I question his loyalty to his country now more than I ever did, particularly since he chose Al Arabiya TV to give his first presidential television interview. It took this apparent Muslim appeaser we may soon be calling Chairman or Grand Fuhrer Hussein as opposed to president an entire year to negotiate an interview on the most watched cable network with the most watched cable network host while running for president!! That being Bill O'Reilly on Fox news of coarse.

Yet here it took him a whole 5 days to grant his first post inauguration TV interview with a rabid US and Western hating Arabic TV Network Al Arabiya to mostly beg the Muslim brothers and sisters of his to love us and "apologize for 911 apparently and any other Bush created mistakes and missteps afterward"... as the all seeing and all knowing Obama "knows the poor Muswims are just misunderstood and Islam is just a loving and caring religion of peace" more than any previous president he assures them over and over ignoring his American constituency (eyes rolling again and again).

This man is the greatest danger to US interests we've ever encountered, more than any one man in our short but rich history, much less from one who's supposedly our own president and leader sworn to uphold OUR constitution and protect our land. He even injected Hindu's and the Muslims into his inaugural address, for the very first time paying respect and homage to their cultures, (one which brought America September 11 of coarse) while simultaneously ridiculing and denigrating his most gracious successor and elder, President George W Bush. A classless, sophomoric move that simply delighted all the far left Bush haters and the entire Kum Ba Rak universe, as these "flowery, "praise the Almighty Messiah" type writings that followed indicate, ad nauseum that is.

This man is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing if there ever was one in our midst, and is going to sell this country straight down the river to nowhere the very first chance he gets. That is if he hasn't already laid the groundwork for such a move, which it seems painfully obvious he already has, it's at what price that's the question. Just listening to him kow-tow to the Arab world in this interview here makes me uncomfortable to say the least, as he warms up and polishes his act towards his real goal to become the Almighty Sultan Hussein Obama.

The first self appointed and liberal anointed world leader to all as he lends moral equivalency between the the virtuous US and the murder oriented oppressiveness of the medieval Arabic world with this ill advised interview. Shunning Americans as the recipients of his first televised interview to instead address Muslims first and foremost to coincide with his first act as president that is angering many of us, just as as this interview will do as well as it becomes more viewed and it's circumstances revealed more and more. His naivete is painfully revealed by essentially extending undeserved rights to terrorists as he did with his first executive order by promising to close Club Gitmo, along with a few more controversial orders like the FOCA bill to allow the unmitigated murder of unborn Americans and minorities at a rate never seen in the free world to date.

"We have seen the enemy and he is us" adding as I say "is amongst us", and his name is Obama, Hussein Obama, Muslim sympathizer and a Neville Chamberlain caliber appeaser. As much a danger to our American way of life as the enemy which he has chosen to embrace, the move of a traitor were you to ask me.

This is the conclusion of the same disturbing interview, disturbing for it's chosen venue, Al Arabiya TV. Not Jewish TV or American TV since he is of coarse president HERE unfortunately, But Al Arabiya TV.

The same network that applauds the murdering of Americans and Jews day in and day out, or the propaganda organ of the enemy some would say, like me. His Anti Israeli tone as he blames everyone but Palestinians for their problems is quite troubling

Obama's Interview On Arab Television

- Political Hotsheet
: "President Obama reached out to the Muslim world Monday in an exclusive interview on Arab television channel Al Arabiya.

'In all my travels throughout the Muslim world, what I've come to understand is that regardless of your faith – and America is a country of Muslims, Jews, Christians, non-believers – regardless of your faith, people all have certain common hopes and common dreams,' Obama said in the wide ranging interview, a transcript of which can be found below.

The freshly minted president spoke about the prospects for peace between Israel and Gaza, the nuclear threat of Iran and the stake that America has in the overall well being of the Arab world. The president praised the people of Iran, but chided its government for stirring up trouble in the region.

'Iran has acted in ways that's not conducive to peace and prosperity in the region: their threats against Israel; their pursuit of a nuclear weapon which could potentially set off an arms race in the region that would make everybody less safe; their support of terrorist organizations in the past – none of these things have been helpful,' Obama said." continued
Jake Tapper's post on this subject at The Political Punch has about 1100 comments there so far that tend to agree with my assessment here
President Obama Does First Formal TV Interview as President with Al-Arabiya

Political Punch: "As special envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell heads off to the region to begin work on negotiating a cease fire between Israel and the Palestinians, President Obama has sat for his first formal TV interview with the Arabic cable TV network Al-Arabiya, ABC News has learned.

The interview was taped this evening and is set to air at 11 pm ET, as Mitchell is in the air and on his way to the region.

Based in Dubai, Al-Arabiya estimates that it has a potential audience exceeding 23 million in the Gulf region."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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