> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Nothing "Shovel Ready" in This Stimulus, Except the Shoulder High BS That Is

Today's world headlines

Friday, January 30, 2009

Nothing "Shovel Ready" in This Stimulus, Except the Shoulder High BS That Is

And the BS being shoveled to"we the people" is the deepest to ever reach Washington with the head shoveler nothing but a smooth talking con man who's really swindling the country with this so called "infrastructure" bill that only provides 5% to actual infrastructure repair, 5 piddly percent!! Less than 42,500,000,000 that's billions which is still a crapload of money, yet it really shows the enormity of this raid on the future of America's children.

This raid amounts to 2,428.57 per person in the US men women and children included.Add this amount to the $35,000 which every individual already owes, and that increases each individual's debt to $38,000. (What do we owe?)

Let's ask ourselves exactly how much is a trillion dollars? Here's some analogies to enable an accurate visual if you would. If you laid one dollar bills end to end, you could make a chain that stretches from earth to the moon and back again 200 times before you ran out of bills! It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 14 years before it reeled out one trillion dollar bills.

One trillion dollars would stretch nearly from the earth to the sun. That my friends is a shitload of money we can ill afford to spend no matter what these lying politicians starting with Obama say, they are liars and this plan will ruin America for 20 years hereafter if not forever.

For some more perspective on what these types of projects have costed in the past, the British French Chunnel under the English Channel cost 21 billion, Trump's new tower being built here in Chicago is costing $841,000,000, just prior to the great depression $165,000,000 was authorized by congress to complete the Boulder Canyon Project which includes the Imperial Dam, Hoover Dam and the American Canal. The Hoover Dam portion was $49,000,000. Chicago's Deep Tunnel Project which consists 109 miles of tunnels under the city to alleviate flooding issues throughout Crook County was $42,000,000 or 5% of the amount Obama's plan assigns to actual infrastructure improvements that ARE badly needed.  However it's the remaining 95% of the largest payoff & money grab in the entire and complete US History

Does someone wanna guess what would've been the answer 12 months ago if George Bush asked for just the 42 billion (or 5% of Obama's boobdoggle) for road and infrastructure improvements that were needed just as badly 8 years ago as they are today? We know darn well what an outcry from the liberals in congress and the country would've been.

So if your expecting a road or bridge near you to be repaired or replaced I wouldn't count on it any time in the next year at least if even then, as the only real tangible bridge that'll be built right away is "Obama's personal bridge to nowhere" which is what this entire "Obama's Bamboozling Boondoggle" is.  The country with liberal, independents & conservative alike should reject this thing quicker than you can say "Impeachment" which is what Obama should be facing  for the signing of such an unconstitutional use of federal funding and our hard earned tax dollars. .

Only 5 percent of $819b plan would go toward infrastructure

The Boston Globe:
WASHINGTON - Five weeks before becoming president, Barack Obama urged passage of a massive economic stimulus package, vowing that it would "create millions of jobs by making the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s."
But the bill passed by the House yesterday dedicates only about 5 percent of the $819 billion measure to highway, mass transit, and rail projects, analysts said. That has prompted even some Democratic supporters to complain that the transportation spending was gutted by Republicans who insisted on more tax cuts - none of whom voted for the measure anyway - and by Obama advisers who shifted priorities to advance policy goals.
Many economists have argued in recent weeks that spending on infrastructure would do more to quickly create jobs and pull the country out of recession than tax cuts for individuals and businesses, or investments in healthcare and alternative energy - such as grants for health information technology and for a smart electricity grid. The tax cuts and investments are now sizable elements of the recovery package, with Obama's assent. continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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