They got their man in the White House and their feeling more emboldened than ever and this is what their printing today, a ridiculously biased Dumb Quotes of 2008 that leaves out any quotes of this nature by the democrats and liberals, not a single one culled from this list of obviously stupid quotes of all time on anyone's fair and unbiased list:
- " I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
-- Bill Clinton - "I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?"
--Barack Obama - "My staff tells me not to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway, in the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true."
-- Harry Reid, Senate Democrat Majority Leader - "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
--John Kerry - "I remember landing under sniper fire"
-- Hillary Clinton - "Hiiiiaaaauuuugh"
-- Howard Deans Infamous Primal Scream - And... Anything ever said by Joe Biden
--Joe Biden
How these folks are even allowed to be classified as news distributors any longer is really beyond comprehension, and the silent journalism professors and the likes simply confirm that the entire industry is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the liberal ideology and their schools and u9niversities nothing more than mills churning out good soldiers, period.The 'All Time Dumb Quotes' Are All From Republicans
ABC News Shocker: "Looks like ABC News is starting out 2009 with a partisan bang. On its main page, ABC News is hosting a slide show featuring what it is calling the 'All Time Dumb Quotes.' Now, these are not all strictly political dumb quotes, to be sure. They also have the empty headed Christina Aguilera, that sharp as a tack Jessica Simpson and other denizens of the Hollywood Mensa club among the 16 featured quotes -- and some of them are doozies, too. But, there are six political quotes five by Republicans and one by Tina Fey making fun of a Republican (Palin, naturally), yet there are no 'All Time Dumb Quotes' from any Democrats. Not a one. Apparently ABC doesn't think there's ever been a dumb Democrat?
Even more absurdly, all these 'dumb quotes' are from the last year or so. Apparently, ABC also is not aware of anything 'dumb' that was ever said before contemporary history. Yet, even as all these supposedly 'All Time Dumb Quotes' are recent, they have one quote.... just one... from farther back in time than just recently. And guess who it’s from? Amazingly, the ONLY 'All Time Dumb Quote' ABC can find from before the year 2008 is a 1988 quote by... drum roll please... Dan Quayle!" continued
The industry is dead as we knew it and until more conservative News outlets like MRC, WorldnetDaily and One News arise, if any do, the majority of our news is destined to be left wing propaganda, and that's all there is to it.
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