> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The New Year Brings Tragic Nightclub Accident

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year Brings Tragic Nightclub Accident

Every year it seems some tragic story grabs the first headline of the year and this year is starting out no different with a tragic nightclub fire in Bankok, and A Facebook inspired 500 person mob scene in Britain are the first New Years related party tragedies to be reported, and likely in the next day many more will follow once everyone's hangovers subside.

Meanwhile many Americans chose to quietly ring in the New Year at small, more personal gatherings in a much less opulent fashion, including this blogger who stayed home with a few neighbors and friends to watch the New year come in from safely afar of the traditional madness...then again, many didn't and that's OK too...

Bangkok nightclub fire kills 54, injures 100:

My Way News - "BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A fire swept through a high class nightclub jammed with hundreds of New Year's revelers in the Thai capital, killing at least 54 people and injuring about 100, officials said early Thursday. Victims died from burns, smoke inhalation and injuries during the stampede to escape from the club, which had only one door for entry and exit, police Maj. Gen. Chokchai Deeprasertwit said.

He said that the fire may have been caused by firecrackers brought into the Santika Club by guests or sparks flying from a New Year's countdown display on the nightclub stage.

Police said 53 people people were confirmed dead at the club and another person died at a hospital. Workers counting bodies told The Associated Press that about 100 others were injured when the blaze broke out in the building, which has two stories and a basement.

The rescue workers said most of the bodies were found in the basement of the club, which attracts a well-heeled crowd of Thais and foreigners. The corpses, placed in white body bags, were laid out in rows in the parking lot in front of the club."
Locally we had the nuts at Club excalibur downtown competing for first idiots of the year:
January 1, 2009

Brawl in River North club sends multiple ambulances to scene


Five people were hospitalized early Thursday after a fight broke out in the Excalibur nightclub in the River North neighborhood on the Near North Side.

An EMS Plan 1 response, which sends five ambulances to the scene, was called to the club, located at 632 N. Dearborn St., at 2:25 a.m., Fire Media Affairs spokesman Joseph Roccasalva said.

Five people were taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in good condition after a fight broke out in the club, Roccasalva said.

The Plan 1 response was secured by 2:40 a.m., Roccasalva said.

Police had no information on the fight immediately available.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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