> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: NAACP, Get Over It, The World Doesn't Revolve Around Your Decisions & Taste

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NAACP, Get Over It, The World Doesn't Revolve Around Your Decisions & Taste

Get ready for four years of this kind of imagined "slights and subliminal racism", charges of insensitivity for the African Americans of the past, present and future" and on it will go.

Here for instance the head of the Alabama NAACP Edward Vaughn want's the Alabama representatives at King Obama's coronation to wear hip hop garb and who knows what else would be acceptable to this throwback, however what was chosen shown below doesn't suit him as he claims it brings forth memories of slavery and Alabama's dirty past which is an insult to every Caucasian person in Alabama and elsewhere, as he insinuates every white American owned slaves and abused African Americans, which is completely untrue and he knows it as should everyone else.

It was mostly democrats (which he and many African Americans are as we know)who refused to allow blacks into society as a whole, not republicans and conservatives even today, and no matter how much they lie and twist the truth, the well documented facts for themselves not too lazy to learn and do some honest research, so I'm not debating it here.

According to him, the world should now stop on it's axis to make him and the few that agree with his reverse racist statements happy at everyone else's expense, as is the norm in today's upside down America. It's not enough the president will now be black by their always changing definition, we now must discard all history of the white man along with it to "cleanse our souls and dirty past". Not in my book buddy, I didn't own slaves and neither did my 100 years of ancestors from Italy and Germany so I'm not paying the price for those misdeeds of others.

And as Obama has said himself, move forward and stop living in the past looking for some easy road and some monetary justice and you too might be president someday..

Nice try buddy.

Blogger and Friend Clay over at BungalowBills Conservative Wisdom has an excellent piece titled "black love for obama is only recent phenomenon" that touches on the "Obama blackness" factor and how the community has gone from excoriating & rejecting Obama for not being black enough which many still feel to him all of a sudden becoming the reconstituted MLK.Anyways, Good stuff, check it out...

Alabama NAACP criticizes use of Trail Maids in Inaugural Parade:

WSFA 12 News Montgomery, AL | "Montgomery, Ala. (WSFA) -- They're part of a long standing tradition that will soon become a part of Presidential history.

The head of the Alabama NAACP, however, wants Mobile's Azalea Trail Maids to stay home on Inauguration Day, claiming the group reminds him of slavery.

'These are not just regular costumes. These are the costumes that remind someone of the plantation in Gone with the Wind,' Edward Vaughn said in a phone interview.

Vaughn went on to say the group would be the laughing stock of the Inauguration. County leaders say nothing could be further from the truth.

'We want everyone to know that these young ladies do not need to be identified with slavery,' said Mobile County Commissioner Stephen Nodine.

'I don't see what the dresses have to do with racism. I don't see it. It's just a regular dress to me. Just a dress they wore back in the day,' said Carolyn Tius of Montgomery.

Organizers stand behind the tradition, but opponents say tradition is the problem.

'We needed something that could show Alabama's great progress rather than something that shows a shameful past,' Vaughn said." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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