But they sure aren't exhausted yet, as they keep pumping out sycophantic pieces like this one where the mighty Obama's excrement doesn't even smell to these people.

Review: Obama's fashion sense is cool but correct
- Inauguration - Myrtle Beach Online: "WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama radiates a certain stylistic sophistication that's at once Kennedyesque in its reverence for clean-cut, American style and modern in its confident embrace of a look that's both effortless and urbane.
Just as President John F. Kennedy's affinity for looser two-button suits and his eschewing of hats revolutionized 20th-century menswear, Obama's post-baby boom approach to work wear — worn with hip-hop generation self-assurance — could transform how Americans view presidential fashion in the 21st century.
'Barack gives you this very simple slate. When you see him speak, you think of the man, not what he's wearing. But what he's wearing is important because it's the canvas he drapes himself in,' said Jim Moore, the creative director at GQ magazine. 'There's a very modern thinker there. He's not the pattern-mixing guy, not even the khaki guy. You'll very rarely even see him in jeans. He has an urbane, citified kind of palate. He has a vitality to him, and his image transcends race.'"
Puking yet? well then go here and finish it, you will then......
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