> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Jersey Barbed Wire Ban!! What's Next, Select Comfort Beds For Inmates In The Prisons?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jersey Barbed Wire Ban!! What's Next, Select Comfort Beds For Inmates In The Prisons?

Holy Smokes...No electrical fences, no barbed wire, no guns allowed, nothing to hurt those "poor wittle cwiminals " we certainly don't wanna see that tragedy occur now would we, or not?!

I can certainly understand aesthetically wanting to eliminate barbed wire in city and urban settings, officials not wanting their cities to resemble warzones or Nazi death camps as is apparently the case in NJ according to the posted story below. However, when all other alternatives of safeguarding their vulnerable property are taken away by liberal do gooders and the ACLU protecting the ciminals not the victims, what the h** is a property owner supposed to do to keep his or her stuff out of the hands of advantaged criminals?

Especially when the city is Newark New Jersey, which is about as close to a Bagdhad warzone as anywhere in this country gets, besides Obama's Chicago and Bagdhad Iraq itself that is. Truthfully Bagdhad is safer than many of our cities including my hometown, Daley & Obama's failed politics of Chicago streets, and that's a fact jack.

And nothing keeps criminals and miscreants at bay like razor wired fencing, a pitbull and a loaded shotgun or two, that's for darn sure...

Critics say Newark barbed wire ban helps criminals

My Way News NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - Some business owners in this crime-plagued city say recent enforcement of a decades-old ordinance prohibiting some types of barbed wire and razor wire is making Newark more attractive - to thieves.

Burglaries are up 17 percent from 2007 through November in Newark, which has a young, charismatic mayor who has vowed to help the city rebound from decades of official inaction, incompetence and outright criminality.

The city is aggressively courting new investment and development, but people who have been ordered to downgrade their fences say officials are worried more about aesthetics than security.

John DeSantis, owner of a lot used by an auto repair business in Newark's West Ward, says his property has been the site of more than a dozen burglaries since the summer, when the city forced him to remove razor wire on top of the 7-foot-tall fence that surrounds the lot.

"The bottom line was, they said, 'It doesn't look good and we want to create a new image for the city of Newark,'" DeSantis said.

The order was backed up by a previously little-used 1966 ordinance that states: "No barbed wire fence or other fence or wall having barbed or sharp projections facing outward, or otherwise endangering the traveling public, shall be permitted adjacent to or along the line of any street or public place."

Rev. C.H. Thomas of the Church of Christ, which sits across the street from DeSantis' lot, told The Star-Ledger of Newark that thieves have broken into several cars in the church's lot since barbed wire was removed from a fence over the summer at the city's behest.

In some respects, the dispute is a microcosm of the changes under way in New Jersey's largest city, viewed, as always, through the prism of crime.

Newark is a city struggling to forge ahead as it grapples with its past, with neighborhoods in which new housing is sprinkled across a landscape teeming with aging or abandoned properties. continued

So they're more concerned about how the city looks than providing adequate protection for it's citizens apparently, so at least they wouldn't need "Stalag 19" type barbed wire fences with razor wire to protect their posssessions and property in crime friendly Newark. And why the he** all the concern for the criminals and none at all for the well being of the potential victims as usual...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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