And John Kass has slowly taken over that throne and was actually one of the Tribune Columnists that Blagojevich sought to have fired in order for the Trib to secure government loans that basically is the meat and potatoes of this present scandal
Today as he assesses the "Blago 2009 World Humiliation Tour" which seemingly is to later be used to prove his insanity I'm staring to believe, the TV blitzkrieg that he embarked on yesterday as his impeachment trial got underway in Springfield as he played footsies with the VIEW skanks (minus conservative Elisabeth Hasselback of coarse) along with later comparing hair do's and styling tips with that CNN host Larry The Walking Corpse King to finish up the day.
His tour reloads in earnest this morning with an appearance on Fox And Friends which I will hopefully post a little bit later as it's yet to occur, and I will add to this post throughout the day as the Blago saga picks up steam as the hours go by.
Meanwhile here's Kass's column recapping yesterday's surreal freakshow & 3 ring circus, and here's my post from yesterday if your interested in VIEWING it pun intended.
The View Part 1
The View Part 2
A comedy for some; for us, a horror show-- "Watching Illinois Gov. Nosferatu (the walking politically undead) continue his media blitz on ABC's 'The View' on Monday was like watching an old cheesy horror flick—'The Brides of Dracula.'
'Speaking of integrity and intelligence, we're going to break and we'll come back with Gov. Rod Blagojevich,' Whoopi Goldberg said.
As he sat with the women of 'The View,' the Illinois Senate began the final act of the impeachment. Democrats are certain he's become infected and deadly, and so they'll amputate in a matter of days.
But seeing him up there on the comfy couch in New York, I couldn't stop thinking of 'The Brides of Dracula,' the vampire movie that was a staple on WGN-TV's 'Creature Features' series when I was a wee lad, afraid of losing my soul.
'The Brides of Dracula' was set at a musty finishing school for voluptuous young Balkan women of good parentage. First, Dracula bit a wrinkly old prune of a countess off camera. But then a young blond, brunet and redhead succumbed to his charms, with much heavy breathing in tight bodices just bursting with repressed Victorian passion."They had thick accents and long, shiny hair. Their fangs were nubby behind their lips. No one was safe near the brides, save for Dracula himself.
Happily on "The View" Monday, there was no Victorian passion, with Blago sandwiched as he was between Goldberg with her tiara and gym shoes and Joy Behar sitting lumpily on the couch. Yet Gov. Nosferatu was quite safe and comfortable, as was Dracula with his brides.
The women of "The View" giggled and joked with him, and touched his knee and alternately mussed, then patted his famous hair.
"I'm told you do a fabulous Nixon," Behar said. "Say, 'I am not a crook!' "
"No, I'm not going to say that," Gov. Nosferatu said.
"You've got the hair for it, and everything," Behar said, excited, babbling, touching Nosferatu's famous bouffant hairdo, which is nothing like Nixon's wet look.
"Let me make this perfectly clear," he said, as the audience howled and the brides of "The View" wriggled on the couch. "I did not do anything wrong. I'm not guilty of any crime or wrongdoing. All I ask for is to prove my innocence." continued here
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