> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Give Real? I say Get Real To This Goofy Concept

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Give Real? I say Get Real To This Goofy Concept

A neat idea I guess, but sending people virtual "toasts" that they can cash in at restaurants and bars is to me a totally goofy thing that shows that how well intentioned things can be they sometimes become ridiculous.

At this thing, yet another new FOXNews bimbo was pushingit like she owned the compmany & website all night long, where you buy a drink for someone a credit that they can take to their local bar or restaurant and cash it in with their credit card.. wwooo weee... Like I said, kinda neat in theory but so "liberal" in practice. I mean, "lets share a virtual toast across the world and hold hands to sing KumBa Rack together at this great moment!!!!"ya know? How cheesy.

This Fox woman was selling this all night like there was no tomorrow, almost to the point where I'm betting she will be paid for her infomercial like sales pitches without A DOUBT IN MY MIND, it crosses from news to outright commercials for stories like these that all these cable and network "news" stations pass off as news. This was on Fox during these Obama Magic Ball Hopping appearances that were so fake and condescending that only a major sycophant could derive any use or joy from whatsoever no matter who the guest of honor, and that goes for Bush or any other politician, athlete or Hollyloon resident. \

My guess is that tomorrow most of these sheeple will wake up like so many on New Years afternoon year after year..... look at the thousands of dollars they wasted with regret for a few hours of forced and planned jubilation . All in this case to get hammered in Washington DC for a few hours and possibly rub elbows with a few B & C list liberal Hollyloons and liberal politician pickpockets. All to watch Big O and his Big Butt Mama, Michelle bop in to their particular ball for 3 minutes or so, waving a little bit to the unwashed donor peasants and then to deliver that ad nauseum repeated Obama drivel that he read everywhere else 5 minutes before. A real canned made for TV moment if we ever saw any.

This is how it went for the entire evening on Fox and the others, who I can only imagine were even worse in case you missed it, real captivating stuff, lemme warn you

Ditzy Danielle:.......here we are John at the ALPO Dog Food Ball.......

OK Thanks, now here's Joanie at the TROJAN condom ball where Roseanne is scheduled to emerge from obscurity to sing us her memorable crotch grabbing version of the National Anthem in 10 minutes....,,

OK Joanie, Let's go out to Joe who's at the conservative republican "Barry's Got no Balls Ball" where Obama is expected to trash the Bush administration for their response to Katrina....

And finally to cap off the night it's the "We're Rich Liberals And Wish You Weren't Here" Ball where tickets ran for 25,000 a piece to basically keep the peasant riff raff as far away as possible....
and on and on it went.......not to mention hearing this from the drunken liberal Sheeple, chanting like kindergartners over and over that same broken down mantra we now hear in our light, one eye open sleep now that he's in charge ........." O BAMA, O BAMA, O BAMA, O BAMA, .....YES WE CAN ...YES WE CAN... YES WE CAN" ...like robots.

More like "Oblah bla, O blah blah, O blah bla" is what I was hearing...

When these people talk nowadays, including the Messiah himself , that's what I hear! That noise similar to Charlie Brown's teacher or any other time an adult rarely "speaks" in Peanuts cartoons, when you hear that "wa wa, wa wa wa" ..sound. Here's one of those dreadful moments to see yourself....

Please Get Real You poor Sheeple peeple...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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