> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: CNN Bathroom Broad Broadsides Joe The Plumber's PJTV Foray

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Friday, January 9, 2009

CNN Bathroom Broad Broadsides Joe The Plumber's PJTV Foray

This little bit is a day old, but it's never never too late or a dollar short to stomp on a high-browed liberal like this one:

It seems the teleprompter reading Bimbo from CNN, Kyra Phillips pictured here made some particularly snarky & bitchy liberal loon like comments on the air nonetheless criticizing Joe Wurzelbacher's attempt to bring the world some truth from the Middle East. A refreshing change since we all know far too well that people like her at CNN and elsewhere, (in her case who can't turn off their microphones when taking a dump or whiz at the Republican National convention, video audio below) certainly can't deliver a line of commentary that isn't written and teleprompted for them by some writer.

Certainly not the truth from the middle east or anywhere else for that matter since they've all gone AWOL having taken up residence in Obama's backside since last January 2008. So these are her remarks regarding Joe during a supposed news report she was teleprompting as if she was playing at Zanies or some other comedy he**hole. .

...........JOE THE PLUMBER: I'm a Christian. I'm pretty well protected by God, I believe. That's not saying that he's going to, you know, stop a mortar for me. But, you know, you've got to take the chance.

PHILLIPS: Oh, Lord, Joe The Plumber's got a new gig. It's got nothing to do with the pipes, it's got everything to do with Gaza.

More from this snotty liberal comes later after another 2 second news blurb

PHILLIPS: You've seen the last of this guy? Not. Now Joe The Plumber wants to flush out the truth as a war correspondent. I know, there are just no words. Stay here for details on his Middle East trip.

PHILLIPS: Get a real story out there. Just want to remind you that Joe the Plumber has no journalism experience. No war zone experience either. But he thinks he's, quote, "pretty well protected by God."

So, what's Joe been smoking, drinking? Maybe he's even eating this popcorn? Apparently the idea just popped up. A college student noticed people sneaking into alcohol -- or sneaking alcohol into the movies.

So now, this guy's selling alcohol-flavored popcorn. He first tried flavoring his popcorn with real spirits, but that just didn't work. So now he uses non-alcoholic flavorings that taste like pina colada or beer but without the buzz.

Well, this guy may need a drink, a buzz, something to take the edge off. Disgraced money man Bernard Madoff could end up behind bars instead of his $7 million Manhattan penthouse. Joining us in New York with the latest, CNN Senior Correspondent Allan Chernoff.
She's a real comedienne Huh? NO. What a bimbo. This is the chatter one is subjected to when watching this wench on CNN, a supposed "news" anchor delving out little jokes and personal opinions about someone she knows hardly anything about except of coarse what the liberal blogs have printed.

Isn't that sweet? So for those who've forgotten Kyra's supposed high line professionalism in her little chair, here's a reminder from the Republican national convention I alluded to earlier:

What a brain surgeon she is!!.......... not!, , as she couldn't even manage to take off or turn off her hot mic for a bathroom break if someone doesn't do it for her like they dress her every day I'm sure for her little TV gig/ Just imagine her behind the wheel of a car for goodness sakes, that's pretty pathetic for a so called professional to get caught with an open mic like that. I guess since she's logged more time reading a teleprompter and lubricating the zippers of the CNN higher ups through her kneeling & anchoring career, she is just so superior than the man here who's simply trying to make a name of himself in a new career since they ruined his last one.

Particularly after this woman and vindictive liberals just like herself spent two months or so destroying the guy just for asking their fearless moronic Halfrican leader a question that now turns out to have been be the absolute truth, you remember it.....the infamous "spread the wealth around" remark the teleprompter needing Obama accidentally uttered that almost cost him the election.

I'll tell you one thing, I'd listen to
Joe Wurzelbacher from Gaza long before I'd spend even a microsecond listening to this brain numb chickie read her liberal BDS infected slant on the days news from her scripted teleprompter, I'll tell you that much.

Here's Newsbusters on this same thing Wednesday...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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