> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Bye Bye Miss American Pie",..The Day The Music Died, 51 Years Today

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Bye Bye Miss American Pie",..
The Day The Music Died, 51 Years Today

What can be said by me about something that occurred 5 years prior to me being born other than that these deaths profoundly effected my life and yours from day one until the typing of this post. Right along with any other contemporary music lovers of the fifties throughout today due to to Buddy Holly's profound effect on the rock and roll that was and has been produced after his untimely death was all influenced by his new and unusual style.

As a 30 year guitar player and old time Rock and Roll cover junkie I've played all of Buddy Holly's library throughout the years both live and on Memorex, inspired by his brief but profound R &R genius as most players are one way or another.

The three shooting stars before there were Rock and Roll stars were all killed on that  February day that Don McClean so aptly wrote of and described in his 8 minute marathon hit in it's own right of the 70's and today many would argue, the memorializing Anthem "American Pie"......(a song bastardized and butchered not too long go by Madonna, who should be shot for re doing that iconic song as she did imh)

This is a great tribute to the three of them and the pilot who died
who's name was Roger Peterson, and is sadly left out of many mentions and memorials to the tragic day.
Read more at  Winterdanceparty.com

Finally, here's a great piece in the Detroit Free press flast year from ClearLake Iowa where the crash occurred about the fateful day and the following years, as we remember on the 51st anniversary.
Fans recall death of Buddy Holly and 'the day the music died'

Freep.com | Detroit Free Press: "Fifty years ago, Graham Nash stood on a street corner in his hometown of Salford, England, with his best friend, Alan Clarke, and wept.

The source of their sadness was news from 4,000 miles away and across the Atlantic Ocean -- a frozen field north of Clear Lake, Iowa, where the airplane carrying Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. (the Big Bopper) Richardson crashed on Feb. 3, 1959, killing the three rock stars from the Winter Dance Party tour as well as their local pilot, Roger Peterson.

'It was very traumatic for me,' says Nash, who was 17 years old at the time. He went on to form the Hollies with Clarke in 1962. They found themselves among a rising tide of '60s rock musicians on both sides of the pond who owed a huge musical debt to the innovations of the Winter Dance Party artists.

Today it might be tempting to sum up the musical legacies of Holly, Valens and the Bopper in terms of Don McLean's landmark 1971 tune 'American Pie' (that forever dubbed the tragedy the Day the Music Died), the biopics (1978's 'The Buddy Holly Story' and 1987's 'La Bamba') and the annual oldies rock tribute concerts at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, site of the trio's final performance on Feb. 2, 1959.

But today's musicians still claim Holly as a primary songwriting influence. Celebrated indie singer-songwriter M. Ward, for instance, releases a new album Feb. 17 that includes a cover of Holly's 'Not Fade Away.' And younger music fans are discovering classic rock in greater numbers as the songs flow freely from iTunes and other online, digital sources.

Valens is revered for his guitar technique and as the prototypical Latino rocker who anticipated the careers of everybody from Santana to Los Lobos and Los Lonely Boys.

The Bopper wrote country music hits for other artists and is credited with creating the first distinct music video.

'They are all different but of the same era -- pioneers, artists that really did catch the ear of the world, not just America,' says Terry Stewart, president of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. The Bopper has yet to join Holly and Valens as an official Rock Hall inductee, but the museum is coproducing a series of events at the Surf to commemorate the enduring influence of all three artists.

Back in 1959, the Winter Dance Party served first and foremost as a teen dance that left the adult world unmoved -- much in the same way that today's Disney heartthrob chart-toppers, the Jonas Brothers, while not poised for artistic impact on a par with Holly, play to a predominantly teen fan base." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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