> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Anybody Tired Of The Lincoln Obama Comparisons Yet? I Know I Sure Am

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Anybody Tired Of The Lincoln Obama Comparisons Yet? I Know I Sure Am

The Obama Media Arm of America has been taking it's marching orders directly from the Obama media manipulation office as predicted, ever since Obama and his PR peeps cleverly chose Springfield so garishly as his site to open his campaign a year a half ago.
As the herd of sheep the whole leftward movement is, they bought the "Honest Abe Hussein" angle hook, line and sinker by making these ridiculous overreaching comparisons between the two men; One an American Giant and the other called a blank slate by his own Vice President, Secretary of State and others with lots of room to plagiarize and hijack someone elses legacy. Something Obama has now successfully done thanks to the "in the tank" & now morally bankrupt MSM media, and the entertainment industry which is now proudly reinvented as one big Obama propaganda arm that would make Stalin & Lenin proud.

The guy hasn't even been inaugurated yet, accomplished anything of positive substance in the Illinois legislature during the formative years he spent there politicking and glad handing anyone who could further his career, particularly Emil Jones, Senate President who greased the skids for Obama's smokescreen elevation to Senator. He even accomplished less after that as the "Illinois Senator In Name Only", having served basically a piddly hundred and three days in office before abdicating the seat essentially leaving it vacant to run for president for the longest presidential campaign in US history. A campaign first financed by Illinois voters and we taxpayers while paying his salary for what turned into a no show position in Washington. The now famous seat filled by Roland Burris, another Illinois piece of work by disgraced Seat Seller and Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich

Obama's fully planned "Private Family Visit at the Lincoln Memorial" Photo Op
intentionally leaked to media, as part and parcel of the great " Lincoln Legacy Heist of 2009

There's nothing in common there with the great statesman turned 16th president and real Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln, assassinated before he could complete what was sure to be a long and industrious life as a cherished and loved multi termed elder statesman. To the contrary, the only thing of any significance Obama has accomplished in his entire career here before this election of deception was confirming his disdain for human life while being the most vocal proponent of a bill that the Republican Lincoln would have torn up and burned in the Oval Office if ever brought to his desk without question, a man who valued human life more than any from his day obvious from his freedom of the slaves.

That of coarse was Obama's "death to baby bill" as I refer to the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act" in Illinois made so newsworthy by a former Illinois nurse Jill Stanek, who fought Obama all the way down the line unsuccessfully during it's short life in the Illinois legislature. A real human travesty if there ever was one that you can read about here if unfamiliar with the ghastly details of which I speak. Hear Obama in his own voice indicate to Pastor Rick Warren that the decision of saving a baby's life is beyond his pay grade, at least it was then he claimed.

Lincoln certainly would have had nothing to do with any candidate black or white, or any person for that matter who would have supported the civilizations man made abomination called abortion that Obama has built his whole core political existence around. That's all he's ever accomplished as a lawmaker, the removal of rights from the most defenseless of Americans, our invaluable newborns, Gods gifts who are worthless to Democrats and especially this Obamination of a leader, Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

A complete disgrace to all of humanity really, and especially the memory of one Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation author who freed millions and millions of slaves during the Civil War from bondage, a strong leader who has more in common with George W Bush, another great emancipator, he of 50 million Muslim men, women, and children from bondage under radical Islam. A religion/cult in which Obama himself was born into, once practiced and still may for all we really know about him, which is still hardly anything.

What we do know about him is this, he's no Abraham Lincoln and if you believe he is, just go here and read a little more about the 16th and possibly our greatest president and then compare the findings to this empty slate you folks call your Messiah, a made for TV fraud who's main claim to fame, being African American is a fraud as well that the malicious media continues to falsely propagate. Check back in 4 years and we'll see about Obama]'s legacy but to try and mold it and morph it into this great man's earned legacy that he paid the ultimate price for is nothing but a disgrace of the worst order and downright theft as far as I and many other Lincolnphiles are concerned/
The Great Lincoln Memorial many already wish
to see replaced with and Obama as soon as possible

The only comparisons Lincoln might approve might be only the fact that Obama is the product of African and American genealogy his father being of coarse of African descent and his mother entirely American having a mother and father born in America. Obama's ability to run for various offices was a direct result of Lincoln's emancipation of the slaves, who Obama has absolutely no connection to whatsoever. However his wife Michelle is a descendant of American slavery which would please Lincoln no doubt, and in fact, the first lady actually has more connection to Lincoln's accomplishments directly than does Obama.

Lincoln would not approve of the fact that Obama as of now still refuses to clarify his actual birth status with the proper documentation, a simple long version birth certificate that Americans are required to present to many agencies of the government for all different types of reasons, none of which rise to the level of the presidency which he refuses to provide. This can only mean one thing and that is Obama is simply not a natural born US citizen. This refusal and inference made from such in the eyes of many, including myself, invalidates his entire presidency and will be the subject of thousands of lawsuits until the information is provided by he other forms, like foreign or domestic blackmail perhaps.

So when all is said and done the media and Obama's supporters would do he and themselves a great service by killing the comparisons now before they are made into tremendous fools by Obama's actions as president. Comparisons of which most will certainly be made to another inconsequential failure of a president, Jimmy Carter when all is said and done. Obama has never finished a single paying job that he started as an adult, and there's certainly nothing here that says that this job will be any different, he' s already proving as nothing but a mouthpiece and puppet of the DNC and a staff made up of people more qualified to be president than he is or ever will be.

He is most definitively not of Lincoln's league and the comparisons are ludicrous and frankly insulting to many Americans.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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