Here's another place I wouldn't send a child to school and I myself am an ACC graduate from Virginia, but any school that won't allow a simple Christmas tree is an unfriendly and even discriminatory environment for Christians like myself as far as I'm concerned, especially since the tree itself displayed in public has been ruled a secular display by the US Supreme court.
That's just unnecessary hostility towards Christians flat and simple to appease Muslims on the campus, guaranteed..
And since this is such a growing trend in this country my new established policy as far as this anti Christmas/Christian trend is this; anyplace of business or any public consumption that doesn't support the federal holiday and observance of Christ's birth is nowhere I will patronize and support with my hard earned valuable money, simple as that.
UNC libraries to forgo Christmas trees -
Local News | CharlotteObserver.com: "CHAPEL HILL For as long as anyone can remember, Christmas trees adorned with lights and ornaments have greeted holiday season visitors to UNC Chapel Hill's two main libraries.
Not this year.
The trees, which have stood in the lobby areas of Wilson and Davis libraries each December, were kept in storage this year at the behest of Sarah Michalak, the associate provost for university libraries.
Michalak's decision followed several years of queries and complaints from library employees and patrons bothered by the Christian display, Michalak said this week.Aside from the fact that a UNC Chapel Hill library is a public facility, Michalak said, libraries are places where information from all corners of the world and all belief systems is offered without judgment. Displaying one particular religion's symbols is antithetical to that philosophy, she said.
“We strive in our collection to have a wide variety of ideas,” she said. “It doesn't seem right to celebrate one particular set of customs.”
Michalak said that banishing the Christmas displays was not an easy decision but that she asked around to library colleagues at Duke, N.C. State and elsewhere and found no other one where Christmas trees were displayed." continued
What cowardly left wing PC drivel, that of which is ruining this Christian Judeo principled nation, and this is always done to basically appease Muslims, always, as no other religious group is offended by these displays at Christmas time, none.
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