I'd hit the high road like he has too because Washington today, to now be lead by a Black Liberation Marxist usurper is the lowest of roads in this country, it's a city filled with scum both in office and in the streets, it's everywhere, and Tancredo is too fine of a principled man to wade through that scum any longer. I have an autographed copy of his book Mortal Danger and I look at it everyday while I sit, type and rant, and it will stay on my desk for inspiration right where it is for a long time..

Both are is finest moments of truth if you were to ask me. You know when your right, the left goes apoplectic. Then and only then, you've hit the nimrods on the head like he got under the skin of these illegal alien and Muslim loving loons....Illegal immigration foe Rep. Tom Tancredo retires
News Headlines - : Townhall.com: "When Tom Tancredo, the lightning-rod Colorado conservative, went to Congress a decade ago, he promised he wouldn't disappear in Washington. He sure didn't.
Tancredo made headlines clashing with Democrats and his fellow Republicans. He could be hard to figure even by his allies. The grandson of Italian immigrants, Tancredo founded the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus and achieved national recognition with aggressive, biting rhetoric against what he called out-of-control immigration and bilingual education.
At home, Tancredo lived six doors down from Columbine High School, but he resisted calls for stronger gun control after the nation's deadliest high school shooting in 1999. He was born Catholic, but converted to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and blasted Pope Benedict XVI for defending immigrants during a papal visit to Washington.
Tancredo was called racist for presidential campaign ads that suggested Latino immigrants are rapists and drug dealers. He once said Miami was like a Third World country because of its growing non-English-speaking population. He suggested America should threaten to destroy Islam's holy city of Mecca in case of a future terrorist attack.
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