What a group to be lumped in with, not that they give damn what anyone but our enemies and Obama thinks of them anyway, which isn't much either seeing that he's smartly ignored their very existence ever since being elected for the most part by naming security advisers that even Dick Cheney has approved of !!! . They sure think the same though don't they, the hate and blame America first crowds here and in the rest of the world, even when their president and ours is assaulted by a filthy shoe throwing Muslim that only a liberal would classify as exercising free speech.
I guess by that definition a bullet tossed their way towards their empty heads with a 9 mm is freedom of speech too? Why not?, after all, shoes are, according to them that is.
So I'm happy to report that the ingrate who assaulted my president and yours got the living snot kicked out of him by people who are obviously grateful for the man he assaulted, a US President who freed 50 million of these people on his watch, more than Muhammad ever did for humanity and Muslims in particular, that's for sure. real video here
This is what the liberals are playing in their forums it's so funny to them, creative yes, but funny, no:

Shoe thrower 'beaten in custody'
BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | : "The brother of the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at US President George W Bush has said that the reporter has been beaten in custody.
Muntadar al-Zaidi has suffered a broken hand, broken ribs and internal bleeding, as well as an eye injury, his older brother, Dargham, told the BBC.
Mr Zaidi threw his shoes at Mr Bush at a news conference, calling him 'a dog'.
The head of Iraq's journalists' union told the BBC that officials told him Mr Zaidi was being treated well.
The union head, Mouyyad al-Lami, said he hoped to visit his colleague later.
An Iraqi official said Mr Zaidi had been handed over to the judicial authorities, according to the AFP news agency.
Earlier, Dargham al-Zaidi told the BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Baghdad he believed his brother had been taken to a US military hospital in the Iraqi capital.
A second day of rallies in support of Mr Zaidi have been held across Iraq, calling for his release.
Meanwhile, offers to buy the shoes are being made around the Arab world, reports say." continued
Got jobs anyone over there?.Unlikely since most can't even spell or speak English like the goons with the signs that say GO OUT USA, ...........What's that Achmed? speak a the English much?

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