> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Take Off The Head Garb & Get With The Program, This is America, Not The Middle East

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Take Off The Head Garb & Get With The Program, This is America, Not The Middle East

And if that is such a problem for the Muslims that come to America which of course it is as Muslim plants from the Terrorist front organization known as CAIR challenges these laws regularly in order to help grease the skids in the law books for their dreamed of Islamization of our country in order to one day make it their country, just like they're doing all over Europe.

Thank goodness this stand up patriot judge told this latest head scarved Muslim woman to take a hike and head back to the homeland if you can't take this thing off for a few seconds at security checkpoints that we wouldn't need if it weren't for these people in the first place. Kind of ironic isn't it that these Muslims are the number one complainers when it comes to the security nightmares we all have to live with every day and they very people that cause us to have to do it.

In my opinion it's a front to get the security standards lowered to pre 911 standards again in order to make the country vulnerable again by using useful idiot liberals and PC legislation to make people feel sorry for them as if they are always being singled out and frankly I'm tired of it and their complaining.

(AP) Lisa Valentine takes solace in her husband
Omar Hall at her home Wednesday Dec. 17, 2008, in...

Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf:

My Way News "ATLANTA (AP) - A Muslim woman arrested for refusing to take off her head scarf at a courthouse security checkpoint said Wednesday that she felt her human and civil rights were violated.

A judge ordered Lisa Valentine, 40, to serve 10 days in jail for contempt of court, said police in Douglasville, a city of about 20,000 people on Atlanta's west suburban outskirts.

Valentine violated a court policy that prohibits people from wearing any headgear in court, police said after they arrested her Tuesday.

Kelley Jackson, a spokeswoman for Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker, said state law doesn't permit or prohibit head scarfs.

'It's at the discretion of the judge and the sheriffs and is up to the security officers in the court house to enforce their decision,' she said.
Valentine, who recently moved to Georgia from New Haven, Conn., said the incident reminded her of stories she'd heard of the civil rights-era South.

"I just felt stripped of my civil, my human rights," she said Wednesday from her home. She said she was unexpectedly released after the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations urged federal authorities to investigate the incident as well as others in Georgia.

All that for having to take off a lousy head scarf for 5 minutes, again lady this isn;t Saudi Arabia and Islam isn't the state religion so if you wish to be an American living in America then you live by our standards and our rules, simple as that. Take off the damn scarf and get back in line.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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