One high point if there is one is that now a democrat will hold the title of "Greatest Scum Of The Political Earth" Title if and when he's convicted or pleads guilty to an indictment already 100 yards long and growing instead of a Republican, Richard M. Nixon.
Obama has so much Illinois corruption stink on him after yesterday and now forward that maybe, just maybe we can rattle the cages of some Electoral college pansies by taking up WorldNetDaily on their offer similar to the one they made last week in which I also flipped $11 bucks at to send 9 letters to the spineless Supremes to no avail of coarse but even in this economy I can afford ten dollars to get my voice possibly heard by deaf Washingtonian elitists that are supposed to be out there working for us but obviously no longer do.
Only this time it'll be 500 plus letters to these stashed away at a secret location electors so vital to our democracy, yet WND seems to be the only people who know who and where the F**K they are, and are willing to do all the dirty work again for only $11 to Fed Ex the stuff for me. So I figured I slap it down again this morning as an "Obama removal lottery ticket" of sorts and hope someone out there has the balls to do what's right and demand Obama pull out that missing mysterious likely non existent long certificate he's spent a Cool Mil' hiding from America.
If your interested here's how you can do it, otherwise we'll have to wait until Blago and his buddy Rezco decide they're not gonna let their former buddy and partner in crime live large and comfort eagle in the White House while they're doing hard time in the big house for the same crap Obama's gotten away with until now, and they both start singing like dying canaries in a coal mine.
It's gonna happen too, believe me, but it just might be too late before Obama manages to get some damage done to the country that we just may not be able to repair. Please give it a thought if you would and here's the info.
Final Day to Petition Electoral CollegeThousands of WND readers join FedEx campaign in first 24 hours!
Great news! More than 2,000 WorldNetDaily readers have already joined our campaign to FedEx the Electoral College. WND readers sent more than 60,000 letters to the U.S. Supreme Court. Now we're delivering the message straight to our fellow citizens—EACH of the 538 members of the Electoral College.
Since our email yesterday, we've managed to find the handful of addresses we were missing. So on Friday morning, our letters will be delivered to all 538 members of the Electoral College, giving each elector the weekend to consider the constitutional issues raised by Obama's presidency.
But today is the last full day for you to participate - so it's now or never!
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