> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Pro-Hamas Demonstration, Time Has Come Top Wipe The Earth Clean, And Where To Start?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pro-Hamas Demonstration, Time Has Come Top Wipe The Earth Clean, And Where To Start?

How bout with wiping out radical Muslims from the US and the rest of the world? These people are truly scum adn evil all wrapped in one. So to their cries of Death To America on our own streets I say to them, "NO Muhammad it's, 'Death To Radical Islam' " and Now. Please America, wake up from your slumber and end this crap today before it's too late.

Just watch these wicked animals in the video and look what their turning our own AMerican streets and the world for that matter into, a freaking cesspool of hate for the very people that keep them from all starving to death, ungrateful animals. I've basically had it with these people and their demands and threats, as hopefully you other Americans have too.

The treasonous elite media won't show you this footage of these barn animals full of hatred seen in this video in a million years you can bet, although Al Jezeera will loop it day after day with glee . If you own a blog please embed this video for as many people as possible to view and uncover the real hate these animals have for Jews and Americans, these medieval people are walking amongst us today and they are dangerous far beyond any group of people to ever walk the face of this earth.

This is what the filthy Palestinians and their equally filthy supporters are doing
today in Ft Lauderdale:


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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