Which most believe it exactly is and they certainly aren't afraid to blog about it for the world t

Funny how these anti establishment nuts have grown into being Establishment Nuts themselves isn't it? I guess they finally realized that running around the world bombing and destroying lives and real estate isn't a good way to get things done in the world. Now if they could convince their brothers in Arms called Al Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah and other similar death cults they might be worth a damn.
But until then they're nothing but scum in a nicer package, that includes their friend Ayers and his friend Obama as far as many are concerned and you can feel free to count me amongst them. The most telling Quote of the entire article is as follows:
"His centrist appointments are a smokescreen; they co-opt the moderate center, but he's still the commander in chief. Even Lenin would be impressed!" he declared.
Weatherman terrorists: Obama's centrism a 'smokescreen':
WND Exclusive "President-elect Barack Obama is 'feigning' a centrist position on some issues so he can ultimately push through a radical agenda, including universal health care and trimming the military, according to analysis by a founder of the Weathermen terror group, Mark Rudd, who has ties to Obama mentors.
Another top former Weathermen terrorist with ties to Obama mentors, Jeff Jones, concurred the president-elect will attempt major change, including 'redistributing financial resources downward.'
In an article on the radical leftist Rag Blog, Rudd commented, 'Obama plays basketball. I'm not much of an athlete, barely know the game, but one thing I do know is that you have to be able to look like you're doing one thing but do another. That's why all these conservative appointments are important: the strategy is feint to the right, move left. Any other strategy invites sure defeat. It would be stupid to do otherwise in this environment.'
"Rudd stressed what he called Obama's second-tier appointments to various agencies, claiming those individuals are far more 'progressive.'
'Cheney was extremely effective at controlling policy by putting his people in at second-level positions,' noted Rudd.
The terror group founder outlined what he believes is Obama's domestic agenda:
'What he's doing now is moving on the most popular issues – the environment, health care and the economy. He'll be progressive on the environment because that has broad popular support; health care will be extended to children, then made universal, but the medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance corporations will stay in place. ... The economic agenda will stress stimulation from the bottom sometimes and handouts to the top at other times. It will be pragmatic.'
He said Obama ultimately seeks to shrink the military but cannot make that goal public for some time.
Find out all about Barack Obama's links to Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers and his entire agenda for 'change' in Brad O'Leary's 'The Audacity of Deceit,' the virtual blueprint for the next administration's radical prescriptions.
'Leave the military alone because they're way too powerful,' writes Rudd. 'For now, until enough momentum is raised. By the second or third year of this recession,....." continued
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