> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Campaign Breaks Stiff Dot.Gov Regulations At Will

Today's world headlines

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Obama Campaign Breaks Stiff Dot.Gov Regulations At Will

This new info should come as no surprise I suppose. After all, the entire Obama Campaign and Election premise is illegal, has been illegal and will still be illegal after his Faux Inauguration, a multi million dollar sham in itself. A ridiculous waste of money at a time whilst most of the liberal states in the Union are facing bankruptcy, and millions upon millions of rich and poor Americans are suffering, Obama parties like its 2999, practically bankrupting Washington DC in the process by the way.

One would think the so called "Bringer Of Change" would start cutting back on the "way over the top self congratulatory Pharaoh like manner" in which Obama does everything he's now involved with, and that means everything, including spending a million dollars now so far on hiding his true birth certificate.

The rule of law in America has been sh** and whizzed on by Obama and his minions thus far, flushed right down the gold plated toilets Hussein is probably planning on installing in the White House, and will continue to be so as long as he sits in Washington at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as the Ramses usurper of power.

Campaign demanded Change.gov Web domain:

WND "U.S. government officials approved President-elect Barack Obama's use of a 'dot-gov' web domain name after initially rejecting it when a campaign transition team chief warned a waiver of the rules was necessary so that 'a clear message of 'CHANGE'' could be effected.

Christopher P. Lu, executive director of the Obama-Biden Transition Project, wrote in a letter dated Election Day that the private campaign organization had made a request to be awarded one of the restricted 'dot-gov' addresses, specifically 'change.gov,' according to documentation unveiled today by the government-watchdog group Judicial Watch." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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