> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Liberal Terrorist Sympathizer Cynthia McKinney's Flotilla Blown Out Of International Waters Yet Heads Back

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Liberal Terrorist Sympathizer Cynthia McKinney's Flotilla Blown Out Of International Waters Yet Heads Back

As if it wasn't enough already that this known liberal loon slapped together a floating aid water wagon to Gaza straight into a dangerous warzone that gets practically blown to smithereens by the Israeli navy, all to show support for Hamas Terrorists and their ignorant citizenry. A collection of mostly terrorist wannabe's themselves that elected those international killers to run their show in their first and probably last attempt at free elections and then they miraculously wonder why the world won't take them seriously but yet floods the place with cash that they mostly spend on weapons and rockets to throw at Israel day after day,..

Now she's headed back again on another death wish that forgotten fat slob Rosie O'Donnell wishes that she could take part in as well to make another headline attention grabbing attempt at bringing a paltry little pleasure boat filled with food and some third rate medical supplies to these people. As if this will make some kind of difference for the people who are dead set on remaining living back in the 15th century, existing solely for the reason to kill as many Jews as possible who do nothing but throw rocks, burn flags and simply create havoc for a living, surviving on mostly handouts since 95% of the adult population doesn't seem to have jobs, much of which come from our misspent tax dollars..

What another misguided nut, who actually ran for president for the green party I believe this past election signifying even more what a sad crop Americans had to choose from this time around, finally choosing a foreign born usurper who's never even completed a single job he's ever held without bolting for a better one somewhere else, over an albeit RINO yet war hero and lifetime public servant like John McCain. Boy oh boy..

EXCLUSIVE: McKinney may try for Gaza again:

Washington Times - "The father of former Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Georgia Democrat, said Tuesday his daughter may try again to take medical supplies to war-battered Gaza.

The father, Billy McKinney, one of Atlanta's first black law enforcement officers, quoted his daughter as telling him by telephone Tuesday that an Israeli patrol boat three times rammed a mercy vessel carrying her, 15 other activists and medical supplies to Gaza.

Nobody aboard the boat was hurt, but the vessel was destroyed, he said she told him. He said his daughter called to say that she was safe.

Ms. McKinney, an antiwar activist who was the Green Party presidential nominee during this year's campaign and represented two different House districts in Georgia for 12 years, was one of 16 activists aboard the SS Dignity, which was carrying medical supplies from the Mediterranean island of Cyprus to Gaza, which has been under Israeli air assault since Saturday.

See related story: Gaza protest boat sails into Lebanon

An Israeli patrol boat intercepted the 66-foot Dignity, which reportedly pulled into the port of Tyre in southern Lebanon on Tuesday.

'She told me that they were in international waters in the Mediterranean and that an Israeli warship started chasing them and rammed them three times,' Mr. McKinney said in a telephone interview from his home"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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