> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Kenyan Government Gags Obama Family From Media Contact

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kenyan Government Gags Obama Family From Media Contact

Obama, biggest fraud in world history

Gee, what possible reason would they have for gagging Obama's Granny and half brothers? Maybe it's the fact that Obama's grandma insists she was present for his birth in a Kenyan hospital? Or that a Kenyan ambassador has also admitted that Obama was Kenyan born? Why I ask would the Kenyan Government be spending untold dollars building a museum, hotel and the likes to accommodate expected tourism from Obama's Kenyan connection, because his father was born there? How 'bout Bill Richardson calling Obama an Illegal immigrant accidentally in Spanish?

Come to think of it how many other US presidents father's hometowns are places of destination of tourism dollars as Kenya has plans to become? For instance have you ever seen a "Lincolns father was born here!" sign anywhere, or a "George Washington's Father took a whiz here" commemorative urinal in Mount Vernon or elsewhere? How 'bout the yard where Washington was said to have chopped down the cherry tree as a destination for tourism?(which appears to be mostly legend)

Neither have I.

It's because Obama himself was indeed born there in that Kenyan village too, and now that Obama was unexpectedly elected president to the surprise of just about everyone who spends anytime at all actually thinking and absorbing factual material once in a while, and the Kenyan government, at the behest of the US government seemingly, is now gagging all pertinent parties after the fact. This is how they are coping with the Obama birth origin crisis at hand, simply ignoring it as far as the demanding citizenry of America is concerned, trying to marginalize our arguments based on unimpeachable facts the left abhors, as they all now try to stuff the Obama born in Kenya toothpaste back in the tube per se, hoping people like myself will just clam up and go away .

Those of us who will never accept Obama's legitimacy as a president since he cannot prove his birth time citizenship to be in Hawaii as claimed, which therefore has caused Obama to spend now over 1 million dollars to three different law firms to keep something of great significance from the word and American people.

Why else would he not simply supply the $10's worth of information in any one of the 16 court cases filed to put all these rumors to rest? Because to come into court and continue to lie as he's done all his life regarding his citizenship opens Obama up to a mountain of fraud charges related to stolen college loans, false statements to aquire a bar association membership, home mortgage and bank fraud, not to mention the billion plus dollar presidential fruad he's now been allowed to get away with thanks to the complicit spineless branches of government that are more afriad of threatened Black and liberal Obama supporters riots and other unruly citizen behavior than the truth and upholding our constitution, it's that simple, that is why Obama's family has now been silenced by theKenyan government, to hide the truth.

Kenya gags Obama’s extended family:

The Punch: "The Kenyan government has blocked members of President-elect Barack Obama’s extended family from talking to the media.

Www.allafrica.com reports that the Kenyan government told family members that they would have to ask for official permission before issuing any statement concerning Obama. It said the government would also vet all those seeking information about the family.

“We are doing this because we want to ensure better flow of information. The government has decided that you should inform its officers who will be based here if you want to address the media,” Athman Said, an Under-Secretary in the Ministry of Heritage, told the Obama family in Kogelo on Thursday.

A proposed Obama Cultural Home, comprising a museum, a gallery, a library and a leadership centre would be put up in Kogelo, Said told the family. A cultural officer, Dorcas Obege, will also be assigned to Kogelo to vet visitors and others seeking information about the family.

Said, who led a delegation from the Department of Culture, said the government had set aside Sh30 million to upgrade the proposed Obama cultural home. Athman said his department was liaising with the United States government to have Obama’s published and un-published materials on display at the proposed library while it would also a video of Mama Sarah Obama, the president elect’s step-grandmother, telling the history of the Obama family.

The government has graded all the roads leading to Kogelo and set up a police station within the home to protect the Obama family after an attempted robbery."continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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