> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Here's A Chunk Of News The Obama Media Wouldn't Report 'Til Hell Freezes Over

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Here's A Chunk Of News The Obama Media Wouldn't Report 'Til Hell Freezes Over

Rather large achievement one would think, quite a milestone that for the first time in 2000 years Christmas is a national holiday in Iraq completely ignored back here in the states, meanwhile in America that same filthy concoction of Obama sycophantic media whores are working full time to making Christmas a dirty word here in the Christian Judea land of the free and home of the brave.

God forbid they would report the expansion of Christianity right in the heart of Muslim world, a feat which is nothing less then a monumental MIRACLE, so it's no wonder they would hide as far away from awarding the military under George Bush's leadership any kudos on this one.

It's not exactly a Christmas free for all there understandably, but any recognition of the day in itself is again nothing short of a miracle unheard of in the days of Saddam or even before.

For first time, Christmas official holiday in Iraq

News Headlines - : Townhall.com: "Iraq's Christians, a scant minority in this overwhelmingly Muslim country, quietly celebrated Christmas on Thursday with a present from the government, which declared it an official holiday for the first time.

But security worries overshadowed the day for many, particularly in the north where thousands of Christians have fled to escape religious attacks.

Overall security in Iraq has improved markedly in the past year, but a fatal car bombing in Baghdad on Christmas morning was a gruesome reminder that serious problems remain." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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