Illinois sure has a propensity for either hiring complete crooked imbeciles or the job turns 'em that way because should "Blagoya bitch" as I refer to him end up doing time himself , that'll be the third Illinois governor to go down in flames.
Good news for republicans but sad news for the ailing state, especially when Obama is finally exposed as the fraud he is and sent packing from Washington in shame, Illinois politicians will never make the President's short list for a hundred years or more to be sure.
This guy even smiles like a crook, doesn't he?

Feds taped Blagojevich -- "Federal investigators recently made covert tape recordings of Gov. Rod Blagojevich in the most dramatic step yet in their corruption investigation of him and his administration, the Tribune has learned.
As part of this undercover effort, one of the governor's closest confidants and former aides cooperated with investigators, and that assistance helped lead to recordings of the governor and others, sources said.
The cooperation of John Wyma, 42, one of the state's most influential lobbyists, is the most stunning evidence yet that Blagojevich's once-tight inner circle appears to be collapsing under the pressure of myriad pay-to-play inquiries.
Wyma, Blagojevich's chief of staff when he was in Congress, has long been one of the few advisers trusted by Blagojevich and kept in the loop on matters of policy and politics. As the federal probe intensified, Wyma met privately with the governor and his former chief of staff at the governor's campaign headquarters on the North Side for 90 minutes on Oct. 22.
FBI searches stores owned by Blagojevich fundraiser
Confronted outside that meeting, Wyma declined to talk to Tribune reporters about what the meeting was about before jumping into his car. The next day, the Tribune was the first to report that Wyma's name appeared in" continued
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