> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Criminals No Longer To Be Tried Speedily Leading to Walking Free In N.H? Welcome To The Banana Republic

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Criminals No Longer To Be Tried Speedily Leading to Walking Free In N.H?
Welcome To The Banana Republic

What the hell else can this be called? Another liberal state going belly up so badly thy can't even guarantee criminals trials as they kill jury trials to save money for the important stuff, like abortions, welfare checks, food stamps, and other liberal handouts.

Looking for a place to begin your next crime spree all you lowlifes out there? New Hampshire's the place for you!

New Hampshire state courthouse in Concord

Even jury hiring is frozen -

Los Angeles Times: "Reporting from Brentwood, N.H. -- Come February, the red-brick Rockingham County Courthouse, one of New Hampshire's busiest, will arraign criminal suspects, process legal motions and otherwise deal with murders, mayhem and contract disputes. What it won't do is hold jury trials.

The economic storm has come to this: Justice is being delayed or disrupted in state courtrooms across the country.

Financially strapped New Hampshire has become a poster child for the problem. Among other cost-cutting measures, state courts will halt for a month all civil and criminal jury trials early next year to save $73,000 in jurors' per diems. Officials warn they may add another four-week suspension.

'It brings our system almost to a screeching halt,' said county prosecutor James M. Reams. His aides are scrambling to reschedule 77 criminal trials that were on the February docket." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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