> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Chris Wallace Puts Opie In His Place At Nixon Bashfest

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chris Wallace Puts Opie In His Place At Nixon Bashfest

Hollywood filmmakers just won't quit in their never ending quest to dominate the movie and video shelves with anti republican and Bush bashing propaganda for the next 50 years. Now they are tossing out another "Nixon ruined America" flick, and the director of this liberal "I hate Republicans" orgy from the past is none other than Hollywood's very own Opie Taylor/Ron Howard who later grew into "Richie Cunningham", a man child who will always be nothing more than those bumbling kids from the 60's and 70's in my and most peoples eyes, no matter how many beards and mustaches he grows or bad movies he makes and directs.

Since liberals like he love to live in the past when it comes to political issues that they can exploit for political gain, than why not always treat them that way? Particularly the ones in Hollywood this like guy who constantly live off of just one or in his case just two good things they've done in the past, with more often than not 10 times the failures that they would all love to forget about just the same..

So it's those days of supposed "American ruin" gave spawn to TV shows that allowed this red headed dork to make a career for himself , so I guess we could say were there no "Nixon to ruin the country beyond repair" (as liberals like he would like all children in the future to believe when they peruse the cable TV listings in ten to twenty years), there also would not have been no "Andy Griffith" nor no "Happy Days" and thus no Ron Howard to speak of for the most part.

At least Chris Wallace had the 'nads to remind Howard of this at a Georgetown Elitist Hollywood party and screening to whom he owes his best years in film to, because lord knows the years since have been littered with bad directing attempts by Opie, and his movie reruns on bad cable channels attest to that. Just like it's true that yes, Nixon had two very bad years out of two presidencies, along with his 50 year career helping the country that he loved dearly, similar to Bush only in that way, although Bush was just making our country safer after the Clinton allowed planning and then execution of 911, this after the '93 attacks on his watch in which he did nothing to stop future terrorism activity within the country what so ever.

So one very major lapse of judgment that led to Watergate (the break in and subsequent cover up) doesn't erase all the good Nixon did by ending the Vietnam war, a war that we educated Americans know damn well 2 liberal democrats started and continued, along with all his other major accomplishments like China that lib loons easily and conveniently forget in their playtime movies...

Nor will or should president Bush EVER be compared to Nixon like "Opie" intentionally did the other night, just as he and his liberal friends would like history to say for eternity, an unfair comparison that the more professional, far more accurate and definitely more patriotic Wallace put a prompt stop to. That is of coarse if they themselves can constantly re write our history as they do with their own unchecked, unbalanced and simply unreal Hollywood scripts year after year after year, intentianl inaacuracies that many uneducated viewers in the future will misconstrue as facts.

Exactly how the left and those partisan loons intend..

Fox's Wallace defends Bush at screening:

Washington Times - "Fox News journalist Chris Wallace on Monday evening defended President Bush against criticism by Hollywood filmmaker Ron Howard that the president has abused his office in a way similar to President Nixon.

'Richard Nixon's crimes were committed purely in the interest of his own political gain,' Mr. Wallace told Mr. Howard before an audience of a few hundred after viewing the filmmaker's new film, 'Frost/Nixon,' which is about the only U.S. president to resign from office.

'I think to compare what Nixon did, and the abuses of power for pure political self-preservation, to George W. Bush trying to protect this country -- even if you disagree with rendition or waterboarding -- it seems to me is both a gross misreading of history both then and now,' Mr. Wallace said.

Related article: Bradlee slams 'Frost/Nixon': 'Nixon never was sorry'

Mr. Wallace was a member of the audience at a special preview screening of 'Frost/Nixon,' which depicts the process that led to the disgraced president's confession of failure. The screening was held at the National Geographic Society Auditorium in Washington. The movie opens nationwide Friday."

Mr. Howard was the first to comment about the film's connection to Mr. Bush, saying that he had told friends in 1977 that an abuse of power similar to Mr. Nixon's would "never happen again."

"So that led to some frustrations that I've experienced over the last few years," said Mr. Howard, an Oscar-winning director.

Mr. Dallek followed Mr. Howard's comments.

"It's just as Ron says. We've been, back in the past eight years, through this anguish about an imperial presidency," he said. "This has, I think, in a sense, made this film and the play so timely, and why it's really commanding so much attention."

This was the topic of an online Vote at Gretawire being a feature of Fox News Primetime and here's a comment I left there among the 1200 that were left in literally minutes during the segment:

"Opie Taylor wouldn’t have a career were it not for the Nixon years, someone should remind the red headed clown of that fact, not to mention that George Bush has benefited more Americans and people around the world in general than Richie Cunningham has ever managed to help in his pathetic attempts at playing “Director” over the years.

Just Go back to Mayberry Opie where you belong and always will be, in old reruns on TV Land."- chicago ray


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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