> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Update On Jersey Slime Councilman Forever Known As The Urinator

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update On Jersey Slime Councilman Forever Known As The Urinator

Typical dem "I'm going to rehab, please forgive me for being a drunk" bullspit who we blogged about the other day here.

This guy's a coward as Democratic public representative, he's turned off his phones as I myself have lodged complaints from Chicago for this lowlife to be removed from office immediately, and held up as a typical democrat who thinks nothing of urinating on a crowd of human beings and then blames it on drinking. I've known people addicted to just about every consumable drug imaginable and alcoholics as well who never would act in this way, and I personally have never known another human being who would ever think of engaging in such completely animal like act as urinating on fellow human beings.

Scum is simply too generous of an adjective to describe this Democrat, a real piece of living and breathing garbage, and if the citizens of his city forgive this democrat for this behavior with such a worn out bullspit excuse, they then deserve whatever they get from this cowardly democratic bum.

However, as a former New York and Long Beach Island Jersey resident I would hope that won't be the case and that his political days as a Democrat are well over and for good. Alcoholism is no excuse for this barnyard act, as it's a slap in the face to real alcoholics who actually buck up and defeat the dreaded disease toiling in AA meetings day in and out spending years sorting out issues and making amends, most having gone through it with much more silent dignity than this democratic loser.

The papers still leave out the fact that this tub of scum is a democrat and Americans need to revolt against the traditional MSM outlets like Reuters and AP by boycotting their news services and demanding the creation of more unbiased news distributors, if anything by refusing to buy any online or printed reading material that gets it's feeds from those two biased agencies.

Arrested councilman says he is an alcoholic

-- Newsday.com: "JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Jersey City councilman Steven Lipski says he is an alcoholic who lapsed during a concert in Washington, D.C., over the weekend, where he was arrested for allegedly urinating off a balcony onto a crowd.

In a prepared statement delivered at a council caucus meeting Monday night, Lipski apologized for his conduct and said he had attended two AA meetings since returning to New Jersey.

He declined to discuss specifics of what happened, saying it was still under investigation.

Lipski has been charged with simple assault for the incident at the 9:30 Nightclub on Friday night during a concert by a Grateful Dead tribute band.

Lipski has not returned messages seeking comment. In the statement, he said his lawyer advised him not to and that he wanted to address colleagues, friends and family directly."
Alcoholism is no excuse for that act and this DEMOCRATIC half man should spend some quality time on a bread line and unemployment office trips to boot, as he needs to hit real rock bottom in a big way before ever being forgiven for this repulsive animal like behavior. Not two weeks at rehab and dropping in and out of a couple online AA meetings for DEMOCRATS IN RECOVERY the Hollywood way.

Here he is in a bar of all places in a shot acquired after some Google research:


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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