> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: There Are Only A Few Good Men In The Senate Worthy Of Elevation To President, And John McCain is One Of Them, Obama Is Not

Today's world headlines

Sunday, November 2, 2008

There Are Only A Few Good Men In The Senate Worthy Of Elevation To President, And John McCain is One Of Them, Obama Is Not

I'm posting a few McCain endorsements being played out today in favor of the True American Hero instead of the Crack smoking false idol Messiah of the lunatic fringe. The very first Political American Idol nominee pushed forward by pop culture with all the depth of pop culture, one who will disappear as fast as the pet rock after Tuesday when the real American adults step forward on Tuesday and make that proper choice for the next president of this country,

They may not be the New York Slimes or the ChicagObama Tribune, but the most any of us use those papers for nowadays is to potty train Fido and Felix or quick firestarter material anyhow, as they along with the majority of other liberal big city ragsheets lost their objectivity and persuasive muscle 2 elections ago, this year turned into just ending up being those proverbial nails in their already built coffins with their All Obama All Day lopsided coverage.

Small town America is the real America, and these couple papers below represent that in a fine way, and they are who and what will place Sarah Palin and John McCain into high office Tuesday. A small town America that the left wing lunatic fringe so disdains and disparages at nearly every opportunity, a segment of America that will get it's payback Tuesday by sending Teflon Boy Hussein Obama back to Illinois and his Grant Park party crew crying a new Chicago river election night to my delight.

At least he won't have far to travel that night to start figuring out how 500 million dollars couldn't by him the king's throne as he had already backed up the moving trucks.

For president: John McCain

The Columbus Dispatch : : "For president of the United States, The Dispatch endorses Republican Sen. John McCain, whose experience, service and sacrifice for his country make him more qualified to lead the nation.

McCain's Democratic opponent, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, is a rousing motivational speaker, but his experience and achievements -- eight years in the Illinois Legislature and less than four in the U.S. Senate -- do not stand comparison with McCain's.

A resume containing so little evidence of leadership and accomplishment leaves in question Obama's ability to handle the most responsible and difficult job in the world, especially at a time when the nation faces a combination of problems so large and complex that they would challenge even the most seasoned leader." continued
Here's another good piece from California, a state that contrary to belief is mostly filled with god fearing and gun loving conservatives but gets that liberal moniker attached to it constantly thanks to it's largest cities being overrrun and basically invaded by illegals and liberals over the past couple of decades

Vote John McCain for president

Opinion > Editorials | Bakersfield.com - American troops fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, while America's relations with its allies falter. The economic suffering in the U.S. spreads.

The challenges facing the next U.S. president are enormous. A strong, steady, experienced leader must steer us through these turbulent times. Republican John McCain is that leader.

Tested, McCain has demonstrated personal and political courage. Voters should elect him our next president.

In 2000, this newspaper proudly endorsed McCain when he challenged George W. Bush for the Republican presidential nomination. Like today, McCain was the most experienced and knowledgeable candidate, with the political courage to stand up to partisan and special-interest pressure. Regrettably, McCain lost to Bush. continued

This is a fine Editorial from hometown newspaper Arizona Republic from their conservative columnist detailing the reasons why any thinking mature American would not only choose John McCain for president but feel a sense of owing it to this man after a lifetime of unmatched and unblemished service to our country if anyone deserves the presidency as a reward it is this man John Sidney McCain.

A man who has demonstrated a toughness and dedication Obama only has wet dreams about possessing and would have to live four lifetimes to match the dignity, quality and achievement level of John McCain and nothing could be more obvious if shove down ones throat.

Imagine an America under President John McCain

Arizona Republic
by Doug MacEachern - Nov. 2, 2008 12:00 AM

John McCain became a national political leader through an act of forgiveness - a demonstration that wars end, wounds heal and the bitterest of enemies can put all that behind them.

Handy characteristics for someone presuming to lead the nation after this brutal election season.

The event I have in mind proved McCain in possession of an almost superhuman capacity to move forward. To cooperate with people who, not so long before, literally wished him dead.

Again, not a bad attitude for the winner of this presidential race.

It was in February 1985. Walter Cronkite had asked the Arizona congressman if he would be willing to accompany him on a return visit to Vietnam, including the infamous Hanoi prison where the former Navy pilot had spent the six worst years of his life.

This was, remember, little more than a decade after McCain had been incarcerated there. And tortured there. And tormented to within an inch of his sanity. It was the "home" that allowed congressional candidate McCain to fend off an accusation that he was a carpetbagger when he ran for Congress in Arizona in 1982: As a Navy brat, the only place he had lived longer than in Arizona was . . . Hanoi.

McCain went back. To Truc Bach lake, where on Oct. 26, 1967, a furious mob had pulled him to the shore and beat him. To the wretched Hoa Lo prison, aka the "Hanoi Hilton." And, to meetings with the overseers who nearly killed him.

To say the least, it was compelling viewing. But it was more than that. It created his national identity.continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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