> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Since Citigroup Just got Bailed by Taxpayers and Enemie sof America Can I Chuck My Loans With Them Too?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Since Citigroup Just got Bailed by Taxpayers and Enemie sof America Can I Chuck My Loans With Them Too?

Why the hell not, since all the people who walked on their mortgages got away with it and their balance sheet and sheets are being whitewashed, so why can't I just chuck my loan with them as part of the bailout? Just kidding, I don't owe Citigroup or anyone else a dime for that matter, but that's because I have always been and always was a diligent and responsible bill payer and mortgagee who kept his word and payed all his bills all his entire adult life like all responsible Americans used to do.

Turns out I was just anothern old fashioned sucker I guess, so I think I will just get all my credit cards out with no balances on them, that's about 80 g's or so, and just rack em all up to their limits buying bling and things I don;t need and can't afford and then just shitcan the bills.

Everyone else and their mother and brother is doing it why not my turn? Tell you what, I'm thinkin about it like I'm sure millions of others are, folks who are lot less likely to pay their bills than I am or ever was

US govt steps in to save Citi, markets rally |

RPT-TOPWRAP 7- Reuters: "WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - The United States agreed to inject $20 billion of new capital to rescue one of the world's top banks and European leaders said on Monday they would stand by European industry, especially the automobile sector.

Washington, also under pressure to rescue its own ailing motor industry, effectively guaranteed most of Citigroup Inc's (C.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), potential $306 billion losses on high-risk assets. It was the biggest bank bailout yet and a measure of the crisis sweeping the world.

The Gulf emirate of Dubai, home to a new luxury mega-resort built on a manmade palm-shaped island visible from space, announced it was reining in a building spree symbolic of extravagant boom years leading up to the current crisis.

The United Arab Emirates began to bail out Dubai's lenders and consolidate its financial sector. <ID:nLO612698]

Concerns Europe has entered a deep recession that could last well into next year were reinforced when a key survey of German" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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