As a Christian myself nor any of my children would ever attend any university that doesn't allow them freedom of expression to express one of their most honored and respected traditions that happens to be the backbone of which this very country was built and founded. Anyone who would do so can only blame themselves for watching and allowing the desecration and slow abolition of Christmas from the public square right before our very eyes , not to mention in the eyes of our creator who the country was founded to celebrate and honor in the first place.
So now we've come to a federal holiday that cannot be celebrated publicly at a public university paid for with our hard earned public money, all in most likelihood in deference to around 20 Muslims and 30 Atheists at the university as opposed to thousands upon thousands of Christians and Jews attending school there.
And to those who say it's Jewish people that are offended I don't and won't believe it as I've never in my life met a single that was offended by Christmas celebrations or decorations, in fact most of the ones I know in the predominantly Jewish community of Buffalo Grove Illinois which abuts my community celebrate the holiday right along side by side with we Christians. decade after decade. These bans are always enacted to placate one group only, and that's the tiny little loud, whiny and growing minority of Muslims, wishing to and working towards one day replacing Christianity with Islam in America and across the world.
Wake you Dhimmi Dems and other assorted PC weaklings..
This is what the founding fathers felt about Christianity to all the Christian and Christmas naysayers and haters. From Liberty Under God, The Christmas Conspiracy.....
So now we've come to a federal holiday that cannot be celebrated publicly at a public university paid for with our hard earned public money, all in most likelihood in deference to around 20 Muslims and 30 Atheists at the university as opposed to thousands upon thousands of Christians and Jews attending school there.
And to those who say it's Jewish people that are offended I don't and won't believe it as I've never in my life met a single that was offended by Christmas celebrations or decorations, in fact most of the ones I know in the predominantly Jewish community of Buffalo Grove Illinois which abuts my community celebrate the holiday right along side by side with we Christians. decade after decade. These bans are always enacted to placate one group only, and that's the tiny little loud, whiny and growing minority of Muslims, wishing to and working towards one day replacing Christianity with Islam in America and across the world.
Wake you Dhimmi Dems and other assorted PC weaklings..
This is what the founding fathers felt about Christianity to all the Christian and Christmas naysayers and haters. From Liberty Under God, The Christmas Conspiracy.....
Modern secularists have problems understanding the American relationship between religion and government because they do not understand that the Founders believed that
Every single person who signed the Constitution agreed with these four premises, and they agreed that the true religion was Christianity.
- Christianity was the true religion, others were "false religions." It would be suicidal to base a commonwealth on a false religion.
- Forming a civil government was a religious duty imposed by the God of the Bible, and hence all governments must be "under God."
- The God of the Bible answered the prayers of the colonists by directly and supernaturally intervening in human history, aiding their revolution against the British Empire to ensure American victory. Not a single "deist" signed the Constitution.
- It is the duty of all governments to endorse and promote the true religion, and make sure the statutes they pass conform to the Bible.
Therefore these administrators and other people that support this ban on the celebration of Christ and Christmas are spineless and gutless wonders whom our founding fathers would've hung if not shot right in the public square as treasonous enemies of United States America, period.

Ho, ho, nope! FGCU to limit holiday decor |
The News-Press: "Christmas is just 30 days away, but Santa Claus won't be stopping by Florida Gulf Coast University this holiday.
He's not allowed on campus.
FGCU administration has banned all holiday decorations from common spaces on campus and canceled a popular greeting card design contest, which is being replaced by an ugly sweater competition. In Griffin Hall, the university's giving tree for needy preschoolers has been transformed into a 'giving garden.'
The moves boil down to political correctness.
'Public institutions, including FGCU, often struggle with how best to observe the season in ways that honor and respect all traditions,' President Wilson Bradshaw wrote in a memo to faculty and staff Thursday. 'This is a challenging issue each year at FGCU, and 2008 is no exception. While it may appear at times that a vocal majority of opinion is the only view that is held, this is not always the case.'
Bradshaw's directive struck a chord with FGCU employees. The Staff Advisory Council received 44 anonymous comments on the issue; all were against the ban on holiday decorations.
'It says people are very passionate about this,' said council president Ruth Rodrigues, who also is director of auxiliary services. 'The holidays are a joyous time, and they want to"