> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: BooHooBama Whines About First Bush Meeting, Presidential Rattle On Backorder♦

Monday, November 10, 2008

BooHooBama Whines About First Bush Meeting, Presidential Rattle On Backorder♦

Ever see a picture of two guys who can't stand what each others stand for more than than these two? Well there it is alright.

Lets hope he came away from Today's meeting feeling better than he did from the last one where he basically called Bush a Civil Rights George Wallace type racist essentially. Maybe now he's been elected he can put down his deck of race cards?

Yeah right, and donkeys fly. (well maybe for some of the liberal college professors today who still suffer from LSD flashbacks from the good old days donkey's might fly, but not for most of us)

Meet yo first lady!! Nice outfit...More like Sister Sledge than First Lady ...

First Bush-Obama Meeting: Hard Feelings and Hand Sanitizer

- FOXNews.com Elections: "President Bush and President-elect Barack Obama are probably hoping their meeting Monday goes better than their first get-together, which left a bad taste in the mouths of both men.

Four years ago, Obama and other newly elected members of the Senate were invited to the White House for a breakfast meeting with Bush, who pulled the young Chicagoan aside.

'Obama!' Bush exclaimed, according to Obama's account of the meeting in his second memoir, 'The Audacity of Hope.' 'Come here and meet Laura. Laura, you remember Obama. We saw him on TV during election night. Beautiful family. And that wife of yours -- that's one impressive lady.'

The two men shook hands and then, according to Obama, Bush turned to an aide, 'who squirted a big dollop of hand sanitizer in the president's hand.'

Bush then offered some to Obama, who recalled: 'Not wanting to seem unhygienic, I took a squirt.'

The president then led Obama off to one side of the room, where Bush said: 'I hope you don't mind me giving you a piece of advice.'

'Not at all, Mr. President,' Obama told the commander-in-chief.

'You've got a bright future,' Bush said presciently. 'Very bright. But I've been in this town awhile and, let me tell you, it can be rough.... " continued

Here's the comment I left on the site after reading this Obama moaning from a while back that Fox regurgitated for us here on the right to bitch about I suppose, as I think some of this came from his later book is what I was told and heard.

Who wouldn't use hand sanitizer after shaking hands of democrats who have 50 million massacred babies blood on their hands besides another democrat with the same bloody hands?

I can just hear the lame attempts by libs trying to compare the blood on hands comment to the Iraq war, or Afghanistan on Bush's hands or any other war, when the fact of the matter remains that their little baby democrats they've massacred far exceeds in numbers the carnage of all wars put together in modern history, wars led by many of their ideological heroes by the way from the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam and the likes. What Great company


Here's the pictures of the Real First Lady Laura Bush and the Real President GW along with President ELECT Hussein Obama and Michelle "Baby Got Back" Obama, soon to be First Lady and a Half judging from the First Caboose that this pic and streetwalker red dress doesn't show in too flattering a light...

These next pictures focus on this now famous scowl the soon to be first lady often flashes when forced to do "things she don't wanna do" like this meeting it's quite obvious: Notice the disparity between the Dignified First Lady Laura Bush and the real version of soon to be Michelle "Baby Got Back" Obama

Now the money shot where the fake Michelle appears
just momentarily for the Obamanite suckers
while of coarse Laura flashes
her million dollar genuine smile the entire time...

What cons the Obama's are, these fake smiles don't hide what's beneath to me

Here's the video which I snapped the stills from by the way...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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