The elder Daley's regime took place in a time where organized crime was the predominant force of evil in a city and criminals were essentially the victims and perpetrators of the crime occurring, plus they had no laws in place regulating hand gun ownership for it's citizens since they understood the second amendment, in stark contrast to the present gun hating and blaming Daley. Another misguided liberal who has famously & unconstitutionally stripped law abiding Chicago citizens of our right to bear arms which hasn't disarmed me and won't. and this "anything goes but legal handguns" atmosphere along with a sanctuary city policy is the simple result of that law. Its now a glorious city filled with all kinds of thugs running around like they're all living in the wild west or a real life version of Grand Theft Auto, and very few if any of these thugs are very afraid of a whole lot, since most of them really have not much if anything to lose, so they just figure exactly that, what the he**".
The murder rates are highest in the south and west sides of the city and of coarse these would be the portions of the city that contain the highest density of minorities. The west side is dominated by Hispanics with 50% of them being illegals, who even if jailed for crimes have it better at Cook County jail then back in Mexico, hence nothing to lose by being imprisoned. The South side has always been known as " the baddest part of town" and "if you go down there you better just beware of a man named Leroy Brown"
Leroy was a figment of Jim Croce's imagination, but one real life individual that spent much time in that part of town cutting his teeth and making his bone's as Full Fledged Certified Political AHole who went by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. This is where Obama spent his community organizing career amongst the citizenry claiming the work he did there which wasn't all that long ago is the majority of his work experience that supposedly qualifies him for president of the United States, what a crock.
As you can see by this latest set of developments and statistics his work there amounted to diddly squat because the people there are as violent as ever, as criminally inclined and predisposed as ever and were only being used by the walking talking empty resume then and are still being now.
As they say.... you reap what you sow, /
Chicago Beats New York, Los Angeles In Murders:At the end of 1998, Chicago made international headlines as the U.S. 'murder capital' after surpassing New York's homicide totals for the first time ever. Chicago shed that dubious distinction when murders plummeted over the last decade." - "CHICAGO (C BS) ― Chicago is the Second City in nickname and the third in population, but when it comes to murder, the city has the dubious distinction of being second to no city in America.
As CBS 2's Mike Puccinelli reports, the Chicago Sun-Times pointed out on Friday that Chicago has seen 426 homicides this year through Tuesday, compared with 417 in New York and 302 in Los Angeles.
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