> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Palin Proves One Thing At Debate, Obama Is The One Too Inexperienced For President or Vice President

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin Proves One Thing At Debate, Obama Is The One Too Inexperienced For President or Vice President

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin both proved that he needs far more time in executive level government or even running a Dunkin Donuts a least before he's put in charge of this country at this time or possibly anytime under any different circumstances.

The left hates George Bush so much that they don't care if Pinocchio is the one running against McCain and Gepetto was his VP . They have demonstrated their collective childish incivility particularly towards Sarah Palin to be a sad and all too common trait amongst their entire electorate, and anyone they deem to be a good candidate for any election would be unacceptable to me on it's own merit based on that mindset and their disrupted decision making processes.

Considering that choice was and is Barack Hussein Obama when then had they chances to elect far more competent candidates including Biden himself who they've rejected numerous times as a candidate, or even the hated at one time by everyone not liberal Hillary Clinton shows once again their judgment has been terribly clouded I guess by their rabid, rancid hatred and derangement, because all this Vice presidential debate proved at least one thing to most Americans with intellectual honesty at least.

That being that Barack Hussein Obama is terribly unqualified and brutally ill equipped to be the next president of this country or any other in the FREE world at least, and Sarah Palin and or Joe Biden would be a vast improvement under any circumstances whatsoever for the presidency, so unless they pull the old switcheroo and bump Obama down a notch they're cooked this election and will have to suffer for 4 more years without free health insurance that most of them terribly need.

Friend blogging about Sarah Palin today are Doug at Stix Blog, who has a great post on Bin Biden's 14 lies, and Layla at Hill Chronicles flat out loves Sarah Palin and let's the world know it as we all like to do when we can.

Lindsay Graham gives his impressions, David Axelrod the last 1/3rd you can turn off.

Palin stands her ground in VP debate with Biden:

My Way News - "ST. LOUIS (AP) - Under intense scrutiny, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin stood her ground Thursday night against a vastly more experienced Joe Biden, debating the economy, energy and global warming, then challenging him on Iraq, 'especially with your son in the National Guard.'

The Alaska governor also noted that Biden had once said Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wasn't ready to be commander in chief, 'and I know again that you opposed the move that he made to try to cut off funding for the troops and I respect you for that.'

Biden responded that McCain, too, had voted against funding, and said the Republican presidential candidate had been 'dead wrong on the fundamental issues relating to the conduct of the war.'"

"The clash over Iraq was the most personal, and pointed, of the 90-minute debate in which Palin repeatedly cast herself as a non-Washington politician, part of a 'team of mavericks' that was ready to bring change to a country demanding it.

From the opening moments of the debate, Biden sought to make McCain out as a straight-ahead successor to an unpopular President Bush. 'He voted four out of five times for George Bush's budget, which put us a half-trillion dollars in debt and over $4 trillion in debt since he got here,' he said of McCain.

Palin merely accused Biden of reciting the past rather than looking to the future. 'Americans are cravin' that straight talk' that McCain offers, she said." courtesy Associated press


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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