> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: OBAMA'S TWO BIGGEST LIES ARE?

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've blogged about this countless times as an Illinoisan who remembers everything when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama Jr because I have a special kind of hatred for this guy and guys like him that I and everyone knows in their daily lives or lists of friends of the past and has nothing to do with what color he is nothing at all, I can't even tell which one it is anyway.

It's that guy that lies about anything and everything, everyone knows one. There's a medical term often associated with these people and it's called Pathological liar, yet another symptom of the well known classification of human disorders known as Mental Illness which more lately than ever can also be directly associated with the ideology known as liberalism.

It's the guy who lies about his friends and associates, the guy who lies about his ex girlfriends, the guy who lies about his SAT scores, his golf scores, his college education and on and on the story goes.

And Hussein Obama, ever since he broke the scene in Illinois politics, has time and time again proven himself as nothing more than a GO* DAMN LIAR, and this patho can be traced all the way throughout his adulthood with solid written evidence and video evidence as well, so for what reasons he and seemingly only he is repeatedly allowed to escape condemnation for these lies.

I personally abhor people like him who skip upward from job to job not by hard work and merit but solely based on lies and obfuscation as he has done by lying about his start in politics,who supports and has supported his endeavors, who' s donated money to those endeavors and how much, and on the story goes. That guy who seems to get away with just about everything he does in pursuit of his goals and so forth regardless of the evidence proving this behavior be it written, videotaped or otherwise, allowing him to hop, skip and jump up the ladder of success that most others usually accomplish rung by rung, often the slowest yet honest way.

In his career he most recently has gotten away with the biggest whopper of lies imaginable that if duplicated by most any individual during their course of employment would result in one's immediate termination and if egregious enough blacklisting this individual within their profession and amongst their peers usually preventing advancement within their chosen profession, particularly in today's digital age. But know, not Obama and it is because he has blatantly abused his position of a man of mixed race that when challenged on any lies whatsoever engages in the lowest of racial pressures of labeling his adversary or accuser as a racist.

He's done it without compunction in this presidential campaign beginning in that moment of South Carolina primaries labeling Bill Clinton, the "first black president" as he was affectionately referred to prior to having his reputation (with liberals and blacks that is )and continues this despicable behavior right as I type while standing a heartbeat away from our presidency as a reward for his inexcusable claims and behavior.

This to me is topped by his refusal to admit and his continued cover up of his true African born heritage by labeling his accusers such as myself as racists and his refusal to comply with campaign donation regulations that in his campaign have run so afoul of the law that if not finally uncovered and then followed u p with criminal charges against him and his campaign our whole electoral process will have been compromised for evermore and untrustworthy in all subsequent elections heretofore.

However none of this would even be taking place had not at least two of the most egregious lies that have taken place were called on upon their inception but they were not to the detriment of our country and it's constitutional integrity. The American Thinker has a wonderful piece accentuating this greatest of Obama's many character flaws worth reading and passing along in hopes that those Americans giving Obama an edge over John McCain trustworthiness and integrity rethink the mistake their about to make as Obama has none and never has nor never will. He is the most flawed candidate to ever grace the presidential electoral process and should be labeled as such and excommunicated from politics for his foreseeable future until he comes entirely clean regarding his illness and begs for redemption.

Here to me are the two biggest of his lying arsenal and should disqualify his as a potential presidential candidate in the eyes of any person with even just a tinge of intellectual honesty which we know his constituency is devoid of and as bankrupt as he in this category of man's most treasured traits, his word.

Obama's campaign built on lies

American Thinker- Print Article:

"By Richard Baehr

There have been many lies by Barack Obama in the 2008 campaign that he has tried to mask by shifting his recollections over time. These include the extent of his relationship with Bill Ayers, what he heard Reverend Wright say during his near 20 year membership in Trinity Church, and his relationship with the vote fraud enterprise, otherwise known as ACORN. Barack Obama has made history and then 'remade' it -- and he has done so numerous times.

But two lies in particular have been especially consequential: Obama's pledge not to run for President in 2008, and his commitment to participate in federal financing for his general election campaign, with its consequent spending limits. The news this past Sunday that Obama raised $150 million for his campaign in September shows the significance of the second lie
The First Big Lie: Running For the Presidency

When Obama was elected a US Senator in 2004 he pledged to the voters of Illinois that he would not run for President in 2008. This is what Obama said on that subject in 2004:
'Look, I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years.'
Obama gave a similar response to a question from a reporter that he dismissed as 'silly': 'Guys"
Here's the video of that very conversation here :

That lie in itself is huge because he conned the people of Illinois into electing him senator by promising that he would not seek higher office if elected. He lied and as a result cost the people of Illinois adequate representation in the federal government as a result for his own personal gain and benefit.

That is why I explained before I hate this man, he personally screwed me as an Illinoisan out of a competent senator and to me this is absolutely unforgivable, yet the national press excuses him from any ethical wrongdoing of which he committed in the worst of ways for personal enrichment. Filth.

And the second big lie even allowed to occur only by virtue of the first being ignored is also an unforgivable transgression that made his word worthless and put his opponent John McCain at an insurmountable advantage in this campaign that will ultimately be responsible for his victory should i it occur.

"The Second Big Lie: Accepting Federal Funding For the General Election

The more consequential lie of the 2008 Obama campaign, and the one that may determine the outcome of the election, was Obama's promise to accept federal funds for the general election if his opponent did. It was a given that John McCain, the co-author of campaign finance reform legislation with liberal Democrat Russ Feingold, was going to observe the federal spending limit of $84 million that accompanied the funds. Obama, on the other hand, never had any intention of limiting his spending to that amount.

The contest for the Democratic nomination showed Obama's fundraising prowess; in several months he raised more than $50 million in that month alone. In September, Obama raised more than $150 million, a stunning amount, bringing his total fundraising for the year to $605 million. Obama has raised almost twice as much money in September as McCain received for his entire general election campaign.
Since federal financing of Presidential elections began in 1976, no candidate had ever opted out of the system before Barack Obama. Obama's excuse for doing so was, to put it gently, pretty lame. In reality, the rationale he provided for his action, was a lie. Obama argued that he feared an infusion of special interest group money paying for attack ads against him. Hence, Obama needed to be armed for battle, and $84 million in federal campaign money for the general election, was not enough.

This was hogwash. Ads by independent groups and so-called 527s this cycle have heavily favored Democrats, just as they did in 2004. Obama was advantaged on that front. Obama opted out because he knew it would pay off -- that he could raise much more than $84 million, and that he then could bury McCain by ratios of 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 in spending on ads and organizers down the stretch. That is exactly what is now occurring and a major reason why Obama has opened up leads in the key battleground states.

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media have been unconcerned about Obama's backtracking and dishonesty on his pledge to participate in federal financing of the general election campaign. For a day or two, some journalists and pundits made it sound like Obama had let them down. But shortly thereafter, the move was viewed as smart, strategic, and necessary -- the obvious thing to do when winning is everything. And of course, the coverage of this campaign by the national media (including late night "comedians") has shown that they believe Obama's winning is everything. Why should the media expect Obama to behave any differently than they have in their own reporting? They have delivered the equivalent of hundreds of millions of dollars in free advertising for Obama with puff piece reporting on his campaign, and far less favorable coverage of the McCain campaign.

For the McCain Palin team, it really must seem like they are facing a campaign with all the money in the world. For all practical purposes, they are. And if you think Barack Obama would have had it any other way, then you don't understand Barack Obama. Do you think when Obama met with his advisors to discuss how to sell his breaking a pledge to participate in federal financing of the general election, that anyone said: "But Senator, you would be breaking your word"?
Is that enough to sway your opinion to what a lying and cheating louse this scrounge is? If not than you are as intellectually honest as he and deserve anything and everything his election brings to this country and those who elevated him to higher office despite these warnings of his slipshod low level character will be wearing the blood of America and her shattered democracy on your hands.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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