> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Not Just A Drug User But Drug Dealer ?

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama Not Just A Drug User But Drug Dealer ?

I believe it because anyone who has used drugs before can tell you if they're honest they sold them as well. I know first hand as I went to high school and college with a couple of guys you'll see described in this article below should you choose to read it about "Barry" Barack Hussein Obama. All I can and will say about those few guys now is that they are either dead or in prison, not where Barry finds himself to my disgust and rabid disbelief, 5 days away from the presidency of the United States. An unbelievable story if there ever was and will be one.

This man has managed to fool millions and millions of people up to now in his life only because it was such a discombobulated mess that most of the major players in his tale are either dead or in prison thus unable to put these missing pieces together as Jerome Corsi has now done and Obama knows it.

One thing we've all learned from the Joe the Plumber icnident is that anyone who gets near the truth with thus lying fraudulent scum named and knows as Obama is that they get the full Clinton treatment of old. This meaning they are investigated to the hilt in order to dredge up and and all available information that can possibly be used to discredit the messenger of usually the truth as Joe Wurzelbacher was that day he crossed Obama in his own driveway has found out the hard way.

And rest assured others will be following suit soon enough as Obama will no longer be able to buy their silence as he has up until now once he becomes a sheltered and protected president, and will justignore them or label these people as liarsor racists and such, just as he so often does when cornered with the truth when he can't get other social climbing hangers on and scrotum scratchers to do it for him as hes done until now..

Barack Obama is a fraudulent lying scum and the world is about to suffer the consequences of their own stupidity and gullibility if the Americans on the left who love him so much (mostly because his "regular old Barry Sotero" mutt side they recognize within themselves) are successful in pushing him into the white house next week. He has to be stopped and if he is not the damage he will do and let occur is incalculable to say the least.

Just read the following story and your eyes will begin to open if they aren't already to Barry's excellent adventure.

Marxist 'mentor' sold drugs with Obama:

WorldNetDaily "HONOLULU, Hawaii – The late Marxist activist Frank Marshall Davis, frequently accompanied by young Barack Obama and his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, sold marijuana and cocaine from a 'Chicago style' hot dog cart Davis operated near his home on Kuhio Avenue in Waikiki in the early 1970s, WND has established.

A credible source, a well-known resident of Honolulu who spoke at length with WND on condition he not be named, disclosed that Davis was the source of drugs consumed by Obama. Davis was also the author of an autobiographical novel boasting of 'swinging' and sex with minors, a copy of which WND obtained from Andrew Walden, a resident of the Hawaiian island
of Hilo and publisher of the Hawaii Free Press.

Obama, in his autobiographical book 'Dreams from My Father,' discloses that he used both marijuana and cocaine as a high school student living with his grandparents in their Honolulu apartment.

The source said that on more than a dozen occasions he purchased '8-balls' consisting of approximately 3.6 grams of cocaine from Davis at the hot dog stand when Obama was present.

As was established in "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," Obama lived with his mother and his Indonesian Muslim stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, in Jakarta from 1967 to 1970, when Obama was approximately 6 to 10 years old.

Obama's mother sent him back to Hawaii alone in 1970 to live with his grandparents while she and Obama's sister, Maya, remained in Indonesia to continue living with Soetoro.

Ann Dunham subsequently divorced Soetoro and returned to Hawaii to continue pursuing a master's degree in anthropology from the University of Hawaii.

For a period of three years, Obama lived in what he described as "a small apartment a block away from Punahou," his high school.

Obama's mother returned with Maya to Indonesia to complete her anthropology field work in Indonesia.

Obama reports in his autobiography that he refused to go back to Indonesia to attend the international school there, preferring instead to remain in Hawaii and live with his grandparents in their apartment.

Obama reported that his grandfather at this time had a number of black male friends who "were mostly poker and bridge partners," describing them as "neatly dressed men with hoarse voices and clothes that smelled of cigars, the kind of men for whom everything has its place and who figure they've seen enough not to waste a lot of time talking about it."

Obama then reports that an exception was "a poet named Frank who lived in a dilapidated house in a run-down section of Waikiki."

The WND source confirmed this description matched Frank Marshall Davis's residence on Kuhio Avenue in Waikiki.

In "Unfit for Publication," the 40-page rebuttal the Obama campaign submitted to "The Obama Nation," the Obama campaign admitted for the first time, on page 9, that Frank Marshall Davis was the man Obama had identified in his autobiography as "Frank." continued

The book is a great read and if you dislike Obama as I do then the information contained within smells of truth all the way to me and will to you too.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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