> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Infers Alzheimers and Elderly Confusion Directed Towards McCain

Today's world headlines

Monday, October 6, 2008

Obama Infers Alzheimers and Elderly Confusion Directed Towards McCain

Obama whines about the low road when anyone cuts loose on his packs of lies and continuous games he plays of "you're the racist" tag, or inferring that McCain is an old elderly coot who doesn't know his way from the front of the bus to the door.

This Reverse discrimination has been used by the Obama campaign throughout it's entirety in one form or another. Be it against women as in Hillary Clinton and now Sarah Palin, be it whites as demonstrated through his contacts int he angry African American world like Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright and long list of others featured last night on a Hannity Minus Ahole Special that can be viewed below in it's entire hour long presentation through this YouTube Post, he is always throwing around the race card or some other form of I'm the victim which frankly I'm go* damn sick of as is at least half of this country.

So today John McCain Finally lit into the Magic Brother and his campaign was in "full whine mode" literally releasing a press rebuttal while McCain's speech was still in progress. This behavior should hereafter be known as the "Obama Swiftboat Paranoia Maneuver" which they've employed nearly to the extent of trying to ban dissenting opinion during this campaign.

So McCain hits Barack for the first time personally and showed that he's apparently sick and tired of the Obama magic Carpet Ride as well, and here's the meat of the entire speech below which I listened to full and can be seen in it's entirety here..

We still don't know the answer to that question John, as to what Obama has ever really accomplished in Government? The mystery of the summer indeed.

So Obama's retort is of coarse to call McCain a worn out old soldier and other disparaging remarks cloaked in ObamaSpeak like below:

Obama calls McCain 'erratic in crisis' -

Mike Allen - Politico.com: "Branding his opponent as “erratic in a crisis,” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is preempting plans by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to portray him as having sinister connections to controversial Chicagoans.

Obama officials call it political jujitsu – turning the attacks back on the attacker.

McCain officials had said early in the weekend that they plan to begin advertising after Tuesday’s debate that will tie Obama to convicted money launderer Tony Rezko and former Weathermen radical William Ayers.

But Obama isn’t waiting to respond. His campaign is going up Monday on national cable stations with a scathing ad saying: “Three quarters of a million jobs lost this year. Our financial system in turmoil. And John McCain? Erratic in a crisis. Out of touch on the economy. No wonder his campaign wants to change the subject.

“Turn the page on the financial crisis by launching dishonorable, dishonest ‘assaults’ against Barack Obama. Struggling families can't turn the page on this economy, and we can't afford another president who is this out of touch.”" continued

So again to ask what this empty POS has ever accomplished in government is a dishonorable and dishonest assault. "Screw You skinny punk, we've had enough of your bullspit for a lifetime" is what I would sat to Obama if given the opportunity before being hauled away by he secret service.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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