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Today's world headlines

Monday, October 20, 2008

News Flash Universal Health Care Robots, "It Doesn't Work, Get It?"

As a man with Multiple Sclerosis for 7 years now I can never understand how people who aren't sick get to moan and groan and whine and cry about the health care system and make decisions that adversely effect we people who are responsible, pay our bills, don't expect others to pay our freight if they're not too disabled to do so.

This was the case where everyone cried out for Medicare Part D to be created and when it actually was those of us who already had coverage with other providers where dropped and forced to but into Medicare for seniors and disabled people who may not have had coverage but didn't ned it anyways as is now the case with Americans today crying out for free health care.

They simply don't want to pay premiums like I did and millions upon millions of others have done for 30 years before ever getting ill and then it is we who suffer as the system then drops people like us who are presently insured so people who aren't even sick can have some more spending money and sleep better at night knowing if the do get sick they can get in line everyone else to receive care that will be far less adequate than it presently is for people like me who deal with the system the way it is now, because it works for most of us.

But in today's me me me society it's always the liberals who think they know what's best for America, for everyone else that is. I got news for you people, you simply don;t knopw what your talking about, as if someone as sick as I am can get health care and have always had it throughout my illness than so can everyone else.

Here's news from the only state int he Union to make an attempt at providing free health care, Hawaii, who is now killing the idea because lord and behold they finally fingured out IT DOESN'T WORK. Very simply, why would people who do pay for insurance or parents who pay for their children continue to do so while others are simply getting it for free?

They won't and they don't, case in point below:

Hawaii ending universal child health care:

"HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched.

Gov. Linda Lingle's administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.

'People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free,' said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. 'I don't believe that was the intent of the program.'

State officials said Thursday they will stop giving health coverage to the 2,000 children enrolled by Nov. 1, but private partner Hawaii Medical Service Association will pay to extend their coverage through the end of the year without government support.

'We're very disappointed in the state's decision, and it came as a complete surprise to us,' said Jennifer Diesman, a spokeswoman for HMSA, the state's largest health care provider. 'We believe the program is working, and given Hawaii's economic uncertainty, we don't think now is the time to cut all funding for this kind of program.'"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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