> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: More Obama Lies Surface And This One's A Doozy If True....

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Monday, October 13, 2008

More Obama Lies Surface And This One's A Doozy If True....

I always wondered how and why a man who never knew his father, particularly one as seemingly useless as BHO Senior was ( by most accounts a drunken philanderer who even died drunk in a car accident) would warrant a novel written by someone hardly anyone had ever heard of at the time, a man who still remains more a mystery to all even after a second novel written basically about himself as well, or at least what he wished others to see and believe.

This let's remember is from still a man who at the time of both writings hadn't really accomplished anything of note yet, not even barely out of college of which an only cursory record appears in public view even today. Who the hell would buy such novels and why was and still is my first question when he appeared occasionally in the Chicago papers and a neighborhood news type report back in the late 90's/

No one else really did either until this guy became the Barack Obama running for Illinois Senator basically out of the blue who as we all know too well is running miraculously still for the presidency even when he cannot or will not produce solid proof of where he was truthfully born.

And now a well known and read author Jack Cashill is claiming to possess proof that Obama didn't write the book, his surrogate father BILL AYERS DID!! That's right, the terrorist Barack hardly knew who Cashill contends was more a like a daddy than a pal may have actually penned the supposed memoir that essentially became the entire basis of this fraud's existence as far as I and millions upon million of others can tell.

So now comes another mystery that surely will go unanswered will hundreds of others pertainign to the wannabe rpesident with mroe names than the first two combined .

So Will the real Author of Dreams Of My Father Please Stand Up before 11/4, thank you....

Obama didn't write 'Dreams from My Father':

Jack Cashill WorldNetDaily "The emergence of a previously unseen writing sample proves all but conclusively that Barack Obama did not in any meaningful way write 'Dreams from My Father,' the book Time Magazine has called 'the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.'

The emergence of a second writing sample, this one by a legitimate author, provides convincing evidence as to who did.

In 1990, the University of Illinois at Springfield published a collection of essays called 'After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.' Obama contributed a chapter, titled: 'Why Organize? Problems and Promise in the Inner City.'

The year 1990, by the way, was when Obama, the newly elected president of the Harvard Law Review, received a six-figure advance from Simon & Schuster to write what would become 'Dreams from My Father.'"

"The year 1990, by the way, was when Obama, the newly elected president of the Harvard Law Review, received a six-figure advance from Simon & Schuster to write what would become 'Dreams from My Father.'

The publishers must not have read 'Why Organize?' Although the essay covers many of the issues raised in 'Dreams' and uses some of the memoir's techniques, it does so without a hint of style, sophistication or promise.

Indeed, the essay is clunky, pedestrian and wonkish – a B- paper in a freshman comp class. The following two excerpts capture Obama's range, or lack thereof:

Moreover, such approaches can and have become thinly veiled excuses for cutting back on social programs, which are anathema to a conservative agenda.

But organizing the black community faces enormous problems as well … and the urban landscape is littered with the skeletons of previous efforts.

These cliché-choked sentences go beyond the merely unpromising to the fully ungrammatical. 'Organizing' does not 'face.' 'Efforts' do not leave 'skeletons.' 'Agendas' do not have 'anathemas.'

In 'Why Organize?' Obama makes use of the fully recreated conversation, a technique used to somewhat better effect in 'Dreams.' Here, his ungainly conjuring of black speech makes one cringe:"
another Obama mystery likely to stay unraveled at least until he and William Ayers have a nasty falling out when Obama won;t name him homeland security sabetouer after election day perhaps?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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