> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Can Someone Please Remind Me Why Jews Love Obama? Is It His Word of Gold?

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Can Someone Please Remind Me Why Jews Love Obama? Is It His Word of Gold?

I doubt that will be the case after he shystered his way out of two planned debates just like he wiggled out of the McCain offers to do many many more face to face encounters all along the campaign trail from the minute Obama was named the nominee, just as he so comfortably does just about anytime he knows he'll be out of the BarryBox of safety he's been ensconced in the entire campaign.

If he can't keep his word on a couple I'd say quite important debates what's he gonna do when his Muslim friends and relatives start demanding he pay more attention to the promises he quietly made to them in exchange for the hundreds of millions of sand covered campaign contribution dollars now flooding his campaign from all directions in the Middle East.

I would suggest and go so far to plead that Israeli's not be duped like everyone else into thinking he's got their best interests at heart as he doesn't and never will. After all he was born of a Muslim remember and still holds them in high esteem even after 9-11, so be forewarned that he doesn't give a damn about Israel and when the Bush administration leaves office decades of Israeli support will come to a fast and furious halt just like these planned debates he reneged on.

yeah right Barry.....part Muslim Barack Hussein  Obama Jr wearing a yarmulke,would you trust this chameleon? That's too bad.
Obama Campaign Withdraws From Two Jewish Debates

RJC - Republican Jewish Coalition
:(RJC) Executive Director Matt Brooks issued the following statement today:
Now that the Presidential debates are over, the Obama campaign is trying to cancel all remaining debates in the Jewish community that include the Republican Jewish Coalition
Claiming they do not like recent RJC advertisements, the Obama campaign has formally instructed all of its representatives to cancel their scheduled appearances with any representative of the RJC. Former Congressman Mel Levine (CA) yesterday informed the Valley Cities Jewish Community Center that he would no longer show up for his scheduled debate this Sunday against RJC California Director Larry Greenfield. State Representative Josh Shapiro (PA) informed Temple Sinai that he would not participate in a forum with RJC Philadelphia Director Scott Feigelstein.
'The RJC is deeply troubled by this effort on the part of the Obama campaign to stifle and limit a debate on the important issues facing our country,' said Brooks. 'More than anything the Jewish community values dialogue. What is the Obama campaign afraid of? Why is the Obama campaign afraid to have this conversation?'"
"With their recently enacted policy of not debating representatives of the RJC, the Obama campaign has underscored Senator Obama's problems in the Jewish community. It is unfortunate that the Obama campaign is unwilling and afraid to have a candid conversation on the issues of great concern to Jewish voters," said Brooks.
"Throughout this campaign, the RJC has highlighted the truth about Obama's positions, his statements and his advisers. Every point raised in our ads is sourced, cited and has previously been reported in the media. We ask legitimate questions about Obama's policies towards Israel, the Middle East and Iran. Our ads have raised legitimate concerns over Obama's associations with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Malley, Tony McPeak and David Bonior. If the Obama campaign is unhappy with our ads, then Senator Obama should never have associated with these individuals in the first place," Brooks added.
"Currently, the RJC is scheduled to participate in 29 debates between now and the election. In keeping with the long-standing tradition of Jewish dialogue, we look forward to these opportunities to engage the Jewish community on the critical issues," said Brooks. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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