> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Blogs Discuss Obama's Teflon When It Comes To Any Criticism of "The Anointed One"

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blogs Discuss Obama's Teflon When It Comes To Any Criticism of "The Anointed One"

I crab and moan about this phenomenon daily on this blog, and am not afraid whatsoever to let my feelings about Obama be known as the thousands and thousands of posted words here will attest at risk of being called racist, I don't give damn as I speak only the truth about Obama as a Chicagoan who knows him inside and out.

For instance I receive much criticism on the blog and in reality for my often used moniker mocking Obama of which I believe to be the only person I know of to use, that being the nickname "Bro 'Bama"

Personally I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever, as he considers himself to to be a brother and the African Community as well as the Caucasian people use the term as often as Me, Myself or I, so what's wrong with a combination of the two terms Brother and Obama and combining them to use as "Bro Bama"?

I have much difficulty with Obama's political teflon and his constant reminding we Americans of his limited African Heritage and consider it as an affront to all Arabs and Caucasians, as he is after all more Arab and Caucasian than he is African, and that is a fact. So my question to those who criticize is this...."how can one be racist against a sliver of a persons race or one's own race and not the other when they are multi racial as Obama is? Am I racist against the Caucasian part of his heritage while at the same time as the black part, or what about the arabic part for that matter, am I leaving them out etc etc?

Now, on the other hand were Obama a full blooded African American (which is actually a goofy term anyways that needs to be replaced) the term "Bro 'Bama" would indeed be offensive if used in this manner I do agree, but because I, like Obama, am part Caucasian, then how is it I'm being racist towards him as how does one know if my use of the term "Bro" doesn't refer to his Caucasian segment and our brethren in that perspective and instead must always be assumed as a Black slur?

Silly isn't it all? Ye it is, and that's exactly why I use it, to show that Obama is as white as he is black and yet and yet is always referred to as an African American and I find it offensive that he's not an African American and it's used only for blatant for political gain and nothing else, THAT MY FRIENDS IS OFFENSIVE.

Obama has cleverly used this little handy tool quite effectively all his life as an adult to suppress any criticisms of him whatsoever regardless of its content, and this was talked about today by Rush Limbaugh as he picked up this post below via the American Thinker who linked to it from Petterico's Pontifications who wrote it and it covers this phenomenon quite well albeit briefly.

Any Argument Against Barack Obama Is By Definition Racist:

Patterico’s Pontifications »"Did you know that it’s racist to argue that Barack Obama should not be President?

It’s true!

We know this, because we’re told that:

* It’s racist to point out the connection between Barack Obama and a white man — who happens to be a terrorist.

* It’s racist to point out the similarity between Barack Obama and two white women — who are famous for being celebrities.

* It’s racist to point out the connection between Barack Obama and a black man — who happens to have run Fannie Mae.

* It’s racist to point out the connection between Barack Obama and a black woman — who happens to be his wife, and who said she wasn’t really proud of America until her husband was nominated.

I’m sick of the race card being played whenever someone criticizes Barack Obama. Making the Ayers connection is hardly a racist ploy, but that’s what we’re being told by the AP today. There is literally no argument you can make against this man that will not be countered by cries of racism.

I’m told that McCain advisors are reluctant to argue Democratic responsibility for the mortgage crisis, because they might be accused of being racists.

Wake up, McCain advisors. You are already getting accused of racism for making other perfectly legitimate points. Why on God’s green Earth would you hold back on one of the best arguments you can make because someone might play the race card?

Do you people even want to win?

That’s a serious question.

That it is and it's time to stop playing pc pussyfoot and do what I do, treat him like anybody else which means criticisms from all corners and directions like I and everone else are subjected to every day and have been all our lives, adn we're not runnign for president, he is. Time for some honest scrutiny and loudly as he is one that is easily criticized because of his prpoensity to make poor decisons based on people's character and that's because he has none and doesn't recognize it when he sees it.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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