> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another Dem Politician Goes Down, Floridians Shocked (yeah right they are)

Today's world headlines

Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Dem Politician Goes Down, Floridians Shocked (yeah right they are)

Remember this phrase being churned out by the media and left wing surrogates a while back in regards to a couple of Republican congressman and them dem like perversion scandals? Or what about afcter the initiation of the Iraq war and the following 8 years? I'm sure you do ....

Gee I'm shocked about this deal, Imagine this;

a democrat is caught messing around on his wife, children and his constituents lastly of coarse while simultaneously paying his office slut on the slide 121,000 bucks to silence her. ( I use the harsh term because it takes two lowlifes to commit adultery, an offense I personally abhor from both parties) Same place this is occuring that Ran Tom Foley from his office for doing what?

Simply acting like a homosexual does by nature and just like a Democrat minus the atrocious physical interaction with his so called victim, just nasty sickening filthy emails insinuating a hoped for encounter in the future .

Yet here's a guy smoking the public and his family screwing everything and everyone in his way, double fraud dipping on the taxpayers dime by taking salary and then stealing taxpayers money and campaign dollars to pay his chickie on the side.

Then he pull a new retooled & popular political maneuver only for Dems By Democrats called the "Please Investigate Thyself moment" re created by Charlie Rangel as a way to stay in office as long as possible sucking off the taxpayers the big bucks while committees and hearing take up lawmaker's time also on our dime knowing full well they'll be found scum in the end but just kicking the can down the road until something good happens.

He's dragging his wife into his personal disgrace on National TV tomorrow, what a guy..
Scandal engulfs Florida Democrat -

Glenn Thrush and Patrick O'Connor - Politico.com: "The Democrat who replaced disgraced Florida Rep. Mark Foley — running on a pledge to restore dignity to the office — now faces a jaw-dropping election-year sex scandal of his own.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is calling for an ethics committee probe into reports that Florida Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-Fla.) made a $121,000 payment to a former constituent caseworker on his staff with whom he reportedly had an affair.

Mahoney, 52, reached a settlement with onetime campaign volunteer Patricia Allen after their relationship ended, according to a person close to the first-term congressman.

Mahoney is scheduled to address the affair at a Florida news conference Tuesday — with his wife, Terry, by his side, according to Democratic aides." Want more of this?

At least the national media is following this and actually broke the story, although probably to keep these little leaguer's from screwing up Obama's chance at president. That's where Raum Emmanuel comes in. A local scum here that elevated on to national politics during the past 5 years or so, an Obama confidant.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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