> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: American Thinker: Obama's Religious Ruse: 'I've Always Been a Christian'

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

American Thinker: Obama's Religious Ruse: 'I've Always Been a Christian'

This is one of the most comprehensive articles I've yet to see criticizing and calling Obama on his faux Christianity ruse complete with footnotes describing Obama as what he is, A Muslim Born Marxist.

It's being presented in three parts, here's an excerpt of the first......

Obama's Religious Ruse: 'I've Always Been a Christian':

American Thinker: "Barack Obama insists that he is a 'devout Christian' of 'deep faith,' and Big Media echoes his claim without question. Even some critics hesitate to challenge the validity of that claim.

The ruse that he is a Christian must be exposed for what it really is: Obama's cloak to conceal that he is a Marxist from a Muslim background, for which he holds widespread support in the Islamic world. This series of three articles will analyze his exploitation of Christian rhetoric to serve the subterfuge.

"Obama's claim that he is a Christian coincides with his adamant denial that he was ever a Muslim. Yet his sister with whom he lived as a child has disclosed 'my whole family was Muslim.'[1] His 1968 registration at a Catholic school lists him as 'Barry Soetoro,' a citizen of Indonesia, and his religion is Islam.[2] He himself admits that later he studied the Koran at a public school in Jakarta. Only Muslim children studied the Koran there,[3] and his former principal recalls that Barry studied mengaji - recitation of the Koran in Arabic, an advanced form of study.[4]

Without intent, he corroborated this in a 2007 New York Times interview: with a first-rate Arabic accent Obama recited the opening lines of the Muslim call to prayer and remarked that it is 'one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.'[5] These lines chant the confession of faith committing one to Islam: the declaration of Allah's supremacy, that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is his prophet.[6]

His memoir discloses that in his teens he considered becoming a Black Muslim like Malcolm X.[7] Obama divulged this year that in 1981 he made a three-week trip to Karachi, Pakistan with Muslim friends from college, and there he became knowledgeable of Sunni and Shiite sects.[8] Although" continued

Smoking gun video / Obama and ACORN meeting

Here's a hot Youtube that should bring down the Messiah but won't. It's him at an ACORN meeting promising them the world if and when he gets elected. Yeah, the same group he gave 4800,000 to that is embroiled in investigations in no less than 13 states at the present moment, 8:11 am 10/14/08


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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