> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Tom Tancredo Still Has His Eyes On Teh Islamic Ball While The Dem Congress Lalligags The Summer Away

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tom Tancredo Still Has His Eyes On Teh Islamic Ball While The Dem Congress Lalligags The Summer Away

At least there's a few and only a few congressman out there willing to put the country before popularity polls and re election campaigns like Tom Tancredo, a nearly lone wolf on the subjects of keeping the rapidly spreading Islamic scourge from engulfing America as it has consumed our once proud Motherland and sister nation Great Britain along the rest of Appeaser filled Europe in a battle free takeover from the inside out Islamists laugh about every single day at it's ease of accomplishment.

We need as many Tancredo's as we can get in Washington now more than ever, and a good start will be winning a few lost seats back in Congress this November on the coattails of what I believe is going to be a rather embarrassing Obama loss. We also need Tom and like minded lawmakers to make sure McCain keeps his promise if elected to not ressurect that atrocious Shamnesty Legislation he and Ted The Floater (once the swimmer) tried shoving down America's throats in the summer of 2007.

This is Tom's latest piece of legislation posted below, and I'm writing my lone representative to support this bill, Congressman Mark Kirk as the other Illinois elected scum, the AWOL & MIA Hussein Obama and Terror supporter Little Dick Turbin Durbin will surely avoid voting on this bill designed to protect America from Sharia law, just introduced to Britain in a sneaky fashion I blogged about last week here.

Here's a pic from Tom's failed presidential run which never varied from his message which the left consider to be to mean spirited towards the "poor wittle iwwegals" or as they call them, anything but. I consider him to be in tune with the real Americans who are not giving this country back to anyone south of the border, nor losing it to a bunch of camel riding, RPG carrying Radical or Non Radical Muslims on our watch.

There's more to this story I blogged about last week here if your interested in reading it.

Brand new push in Congress to prevent Shariah invasion:

WorldNetDaily "Congressman Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., introduced a bill to the House of Representatives that seeks to prevent Islam's radical Shariah law from gaining a foothold in the U.S. legal system, as it has in other countries.

Tancredo introduced HR 6975, the Jihad Prevention Act, last week. If made into law, the bill would allow American authorities to prevent advocates of Shariah law from entering the country, revoke the visa of any foreigners that did champion Shariah law and revoke naturalization for citizens that seek to implement Shariah law in the U.S.

The radical form of Islam's Shariah religious law includes several statutes often objectionable to Western minds, including stoning for adulterous women, amputation for thieves and the death sentence for converting from Islam." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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