> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Some More Glorious F.O.B.'s, ACORN to Be Included In Bailout Bill If Dems Had Their Way!!

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some More Glorious F.O.B.'s,

ACORN to Be Included In Bailout Bill If Dems Had Their Way!!

It's certainly bad enough the media ignores all of Obama's nefarious lowlife friends and organizations he has his grubby paws in and all over, here came ACORN of all groups being one the foulest and filthiest around and these Democrats including the Anointed one actually tried to include aid to within the bailout scam being pulled on Americans caused by the same said democrats in the first place.

Talk about Audacity, they on that side of the house have no shame whatsoever to blatantly attempto to bill we Americans millions and millions on this group that has been connected to and associated with election fraud on behalf of democrats as if the monies were headed to some Organization to aid seniors or the disabled?

Simply beyond the pale these democrats have sunk and if this revelation of in our face theft and deceptive misappropriation of Taxpayer funds doesn't keep Obama out of the White House and many incumbents on the democratic side out of office in November nothing will, and I will have been wrong in hoping that the American people aren't all .

And at that juncture, as they old saying goes "we get the government we deserve" and we will deserve it after letting this go by unanswered. The sickest thing about this is it's classic Socialist creating of crisis' in order to bring the solution if we ever saw it, and the Obama campaign as I type isd out there ont he stump taking credit for this bailout that's needed becaase of hima dn his friends. And as he lies his half black ass off here in this speech he's now giving in Las Vegas his STUPID IGNORANT FOLLKOWERS ARE CLAPPING AN CLAMORING AT HIS LIES like retarded groupies, it's absolutely sickening SICKENING YOU PEOPLE!~!!!!!

Here's a video that's brought to me by New Upstart Blogger & Buddy Big Mark that has been getting pulled from YouTube whenever it's found by the Obama Der Furher's Truth Police, the same one's dispatched out in my old neighberhood haunts of St Louis County and the crooked Obama sniffing prosecutors office there:

ACORN, Obama, and the Mortgage Mess:

RealClearPolitics - Articles - "The financial markets were teetering on the edge of an abyss last week. The secretary of the Treasury was literally on his knees begging the speaker of the House not to sabotage the bailout bill. The crash of falling banks made the earth tremble. The Republican presidential candidate suspended his campaign to deal with the crisis. And amid all this, the Democrats in Congress managed to find time to slip language into the bailout legislation that would provide a dandy little slush fund for ACORN."

"ACORN stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a busy hive of left-wing agitation and 'direct action' that claims chapters in 50 cities and 100,000 dues-paying members. ACORN is where Sixties leftovers who couldn't get tenure at universities wound up. That the bill-writing Democrats remembered their pet clients during such an emergency speaks volumes. This attempted gift to ACORN (stripped out of the bill after outraged howls from Republicans) demonstrates how little Democrats understand about what caused the mess we're in.

ACORN does many things under the umbrella of 'community organizing.' They agitate for higher minimum wages, attempt to thwart school reform, try to unionize welfare workers (that is, those welfare recipients who are obliged to work in exchange for benefits) and organize voter registration efforts (always for Democrats, of course). Because they are on the side of righteousness and justice, they aren't especially fastidious about their methods. In 2006, for example, ACORN registered 1,800 new voters in Washington. The only trouble was, with the exception of six, all of the names submitted were fake. The secretary of state called it the 'worst case of election fraud in our state's history.' As Fox News reported:

"The ACORN workers told state investigators that they went to the Seattle public library, sat at a table and filled out the voter registration forms. They made up names, addresses, and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book. One worker said it was a lot of hard work making up all those names and another said he would sit at home, smoke marijuana and fill out the forms."


ACORN to Be Included In Bailout Bill If Dems Had Their Way!!

The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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