I'm very sorry but my patience and sympathy is gone for anyone caught by this storm Ike or any others after what happened in New Orleans,and as far as I'm concerned they should be left for dead since they have so little care about the lives that will have to be be risked in order to save them from themselves.
After all, why should anyone care about their lives if they themselves don't, that is until the reaper is knocking at the door, then all of a sudden they're not so brave or the expense of leaving town for a couple days isn't so overbearing. So then they have to be saved by some overextended good Samaritans who could themselves die saving these selfish people.
We can't save all the people all the time, those who seem to think they're so much smarter than everyone else, or more likely are just so damn lazy maybe they deserve to perish. I'm disabled myself so if can get my wheelchair bound crippled a** out of harms way so can anyone else, that means anyone, elderly, disabled, whatever. Just freaking handle it and stop waiting for the government which means we the people to come around and clean up after your asses.
Rescuing Ike stalwarts a race against the clock:
My Way News - "GALVESTON, Texas (AP) - Rescue crews canvassed neighborhoods inundated by Ike's storm surge early Sunday morning in a race against time to rescue those who faced a second harrowing night trapped amid flattened houses, strewn debris and downed power lines.
As darkness fell Saturday, a search and rescue squad began pushing into a neighborhood on a finger of land in Galveston Bay. Authorities hoped to spare thousands of Texans - 140,000 by some estimates - who ignored mandates to flee Hurricane Ike from another night among the destruction." continued
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