> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Only People That Hate Sarah Palin Hate Everyone Else Too....

Today's world headlines

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Only People That Hate Sarah Palin Hate Everyone Else Too....

That would be the hardcore left that the Obama campaign is loving like a long lost Kenyan brother as they off the record encourage their mental behavioral patterns dreaming up delusions and paranoia Michael David Chapman and Charles Manson would even be envious of

She is greatly admired back home where she arrived today after doing a mini tour of the US as John McCain newly named VP candidate.

Jubilant Alaskans welcome Gov. Sarah Palin home:

My Way News - "FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) - Gov. Sarah Palin arrived home to a chanting, cheering crowd, a blur of smiling supporters eager to embrace her after a whirlwind of national scrutiny since she was named Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate.

'It's been an amazing couple of weeks,' Palin told the crowd of more than 2,000 gathered inside an airport hanger. They chanted, 'Sarah, Sarah,' waved signs that said, 'Palin Is great.'

Palin offered the crowd much of the same campaign speech she's given since McCain named her to the GOP ticket on Aug. 29, including her reference to listing the state plane for sale on eBay after she became governor." continued

Just imagine if congress told Iowans they couldn't grow and sell corn, or West Virginians they couldn't mine and burn coal, or North easterners they could no longer fish AT ALL for lobster and crabs? Nobody would stand for that, nobody.

Yet that is exactly what the US government Congress led by Nancy Pelosi is telling Alaskans who cannot mine or drill fro their own natural resources in their own state and their own backyard within that state. No one should stand for that either, but the leftward loons feel they have the power bestowed upon them to ignore and trample on the constitutional rights granted to each state and the people within to control the resources within their state boundaries.

Enough is enough of that shit and Sarah Palin in the McCain administration will see to that and that is what the dems are really afraid of, the truth will come out and gas will be $2 a gallon again once drilling proceeds in Anwar and anywhere else oil cn be found in the great state of Alaska


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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