> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Wants To Stay As Far Away From This Crisis as Possible, That's For Sure

Today's world headlines

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Obama Wants To Stay As Far Away From This Crisis as Possible, That's For Sure

That's why the wonderboy is shunning McCain's offer to shelve the debate that practically means squat anyways, as if you haven't made up your mind yet who your voting for, please do us all a favor and just stay home.

Obama might have to face some tough questioning back in Washington for a day and his backbench junior senator badge might not look so presidential like he thinks he does in the alternate universe known as Obama's childish "Lets Pretend I Am President" they've managed to create for TV and sound bites that make Obama look brilliant, astute and articulate, everything in real life that he is not..

They've managed this by keeping him a country mile from any other politicians, real world leaders in real world situations where the outcomes and photo ops could be out of their control, which would permanently diminish his completely fake stature greatly. So when thrust into an actual role of senator as he would be in this environment his lack of experience and real influence in those chambers would shine like a red beacon from the top of the Washington Monument.

Rest assured it is Obama who will look like the stooge when this situation plays out tonight and tomorrow morning, so much so we will have to start calling Obama Schemp from here on out.

Oh by the way here's Obama talking about how easy it is to jump in a plane with their logo's painted on them and fly wherever the hell they want to whenever the hell they want to at a moments notice, a real man of the people this elitist snob is huh? At $400,000 to take a round trip across the country and back in a large jet all so one can stay on the campaign trail and just hop on Obama Air if they need him?

And on another front, where's the global warming nutjobs by the way on this little proclamation from his highness Obama about hop skipping and jumping across the country on his schedule as needed while 99.999 of the senators and congressman are already in Washington for once working on something?

What an asshole Obama is .

O Stumps As John Trumps..

The New York Post FACING a postconvention fall in the polls, John McCain once again reshaped the dimensions of the race by suspending his campaign and calling for postponement of tomorrow's debate.

This bold move could have an impact on the race akin to McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate. Defensively, McCain had to act to stop the fall in his poll numbers.

Offensively, he has placed himself at the epicenter of the only issue on the national agenda - proactive action to stop a total international financial collapse.

Obama's response to McCain's initiative is lame. As with his initial reaction to Sarah Palin, Obama has miscalculated. While he tries to spin McCain's move as a mere response to his initiative, it was the Republican who first issued the call for a suspension of the campaigns.

Both McCain and Obama will now go to Washington. McCain on his own initiative. Obama as a result of the president's call for an economic summit.

But it is McCain who will play the proactive role. Obama will come to Washington, but will keep one foot outside the Beltway.

Even though the president has called both candidates to Washington to save the country, Obama continues to campaign. Politics as usual.

He doesn't want to cancel the debate. He would debate while the markets burn.


Here's some more on the democratic involvement in the crisis Obama is trying desperatley from being linked too closely to as we all know he's knee deep in Barney Frank's a** on this one and both are up to their necks in blame to go around and it just may hit the fan no matter how hard the media tries to sheild Obama and Cabana Boy Barney from the mess that will ensue while an agreement is hammered out to save the US from complete disgrace and financial ruin.

Judgment Day:

Cal Thomas :: Townhall.com :: "It isn't often that public outrage peaks so close to an election, but this is a rare moment in history when 'we the people' can exact a price from the political leadership that has duped, scammed and lied to them, contributing mightily to the current financial mess.

At the Senate Banking Committee hearings Tuesday, Democrats, led by Chairman Chris Dodd of Connecticut, seemed to think the mortgage crisis, aided and abetted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and other disasters, occurred on someone else's watch. Dodd, joined by ranking Republican Richard Shelby of Alabama, criticized what he said was the ad hoc nature of the government's response to the financial crisis and complained that the Bush administration's proposals lack detail.

Some history is important. It was pressure from the Carter and Clinton administrations that forced Fannie and Freddie to grant more high-risk loans to people who otherwise would never qualify. They mostly wanted to promote not only new home ownership numbers, but also more home ownership in the minority community. That was a noble goal, but the cost turned out to be too high." continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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