> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Let The "Obama Boating" Begin

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let The "Obama Boating" Begin

I am personally so tired of the Swiftboat whiners the same people sho send moeny and support MoveOn General Betrayus ads and so I've donated the maximum to the McCain campaign previous to the convention and will now send more money to the Old SiftBoaters now called the American Issues Project. I'm hoping for them to get the message out to all the numbskulled undecideds out there about their hero Barack Hussein since the MSM abdicated that responsibility a long time ago in this country and as far as I'm concerned didn't even exist in this campaign .

So again, those MoveOn Dot orger's will be out in full swing be sure, so we need to arm our retributive forces to smack the snot out of these leftists by letting them know they aren't taking this country from our hands without a fight that when it's done they'll wish they never started.

To that end I sent the American Issues project a generous check this weekend and highly urge anyone that has the ability to do so send these operatives the flow they need to show the country who Obama really is and to do it on their own battlefields. Those are the alphabet channel networks who have given billions of in-kind donations to Obama through their left wing Obama friendly, social denigrating programming and their thoroughly discredited news operations who's legs have been tickling for Barry since the springtime.

So it's time now to cruise in for the kill and finally end this Obama fairy tale as Slick Willie accurately identified it back in the democratic primaries once and for all while he's reeling thus making November 5th a simple formality in favor of John McCain.

Here's the most recent example of the Old disbanded Swift Boat Vets for truth and rejuvenated American Issues Project ad shown on tv buys a few weeks ago just to see where the money will go, a good cause for sure.

Group With Swift Boat Alumni Readies Ads Attacking Obama

- washingtonpost.com: "A new group financed by a Texas billionaire and organized by some of the same political operatives and donors behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign against Sen. John F. Kerry in 2004 plans to begin running television ads attacking Barack Obama, a signal that outside groups may play a larger role than anticipated in the closing days of the presidential race."

The American Issues Project has amassed a multimillion-dollar fund, and the group is putting the final touches on an eleventh-hour campaign targeting the Democratic presidential nominee, sources said.

"We expect to be doing both issues and express advocacy between now and November and beyond," said Christian Pinkston, a spokesman for the group.


The effort could mark a sharp turn in what has been an unusually quiet year for outside political groups. At this point in 2004, such groups had already spent about $100 million dollars on television commercials attacking Kerry (D-Mass.) and President Bush, but they have devoted $8 million to ads so far in this election cycle.

The resurgence on the right appears as though it will not go unanswered. The Service Employees International Union is set to unveil a multimillion-dollar television campaign on Monday, and other liberal and Democratic-aligned groups are rushing to establish financing for efforts over the final weeks of the campaign.continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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