I sure would like to see everyone on the right who is able to do their part as well to bury these Cro magnons and Neanderthals at least for the duration of this presidential election. Then after that is accomplished, with Obama sent back to be schooled here in Illinois now that the truths about him are surfacing here more than anywhere, we can then place our focus on running the scum from the left out of congress starting with Nancy Pelosi and anywhere else within our government their traditional American family hating ilk can be found.
So in the meantime you can read more about the below the belt treatment of Palin, her children and anyone with a country mile of them by the left and their partners in crime, the US MSN from Politico.com if you wish or already haven't..
Here's an interview where Fox news' Megan Kelly takes apart the metrosexual momma's buy from US weekly on the ridiculous cover they threw out there yesterday...
Palin reignites culture wars -Jim VandeHei and David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com: ST. PAUL, Minn. — The culture wars are making a sudden and unexpected encore in American politics, turning more ferocious virtually by the hour as activists on both sides of the ideological divide react to the addition of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket.
The campaign of Democrat Barack Obama put up an ad in at least seven key states Tuesday lambasting GOP nominee-to-be John McCain as an enemy of abortion rights.
At the Republican convention here, former Tenn. Sen. Fred Thompson took a shot at Obama’s stand in favor of legal abortion.
Thompson made this case: “We need a president who doesn’t think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade.”
That reference, perhaps obscure to most Americans, will be instantly recognizable to social conservatives. At the recent Saddleback Church presidential forum, Obama told pastor Rick Warren that the question of when life begins is “above my pay grade.” And the phrase “newly born” refers to Obama’s opposition — on technical grounds rather than the merits, he said — of a “Born Alive Act” while in the Illinois" continued here
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